Women Are Sharing The Worst Thing A Man Has Said To Them In A Professional Setting, And Unfortunately For My Blood Pressure, You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Women Are Sharing The Worst Thing A Man Has Said To Them In A Professional Setting, And Unfortunately For My Blood Pressure, You Can’t Make This Stuff Up



“I worked at a data center, and one of my tasks was to set up access cards. This required getting fingerprints on the door scanner and setting them up in the computer. One time, our sales guy had a group of four middle-aged white men who’d just bought some data center space, and he called me in to do the card setup. I stood off to the side while they finished talking. He then turned to me, turned back to the men with a smirk, and said in the smarmiest voice imaginable, ‘Tryst here is going to take you guys into the back room for a few minutes, heh heh heh.’ The entire table laughed in that gross way that makes you feel violated.”

“It was awful. I went outside afterward, called my husband, and ranted to him for a few minutes. I am pleased to say that, at the end of the day, I confronted that asshole, told him that what he did was wrong, and made him apologize, including admitting that he was wrong and saying that he would never say anything like that again. It was so satisfying to see him look humiliated.” —brokentryst


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