Uganda: MTN Foundation Youth Skilling Program Tips Youth On Turning Skill to Money

Uganda: MTN Foundation Youth Skilling Program Tips Youth On Turning Skill to Money


There is a high number of youth skilling programs today but very little or no information is known about the impact they have actually created.

Among the most recently launched is the MTN Foundation Youth Skilling program. The program funded by MTN Foundation, the charity arm of MTN Uganda and implemented by Ubunifu Systems was created with the aim of empowering youth to become job creators.

The program also sought to boost innovation with the aim of solving challenges in society.

Following the recently concluded inaugural graduation ceremony where 60 youth were empowered with technical and digital business skills, MTN and Ubunifu systems organized a webinar deciphering ways in which organisations can track the impact of youth skilling programs.

The webinar also spoke to how youth can implement the learnings from the programs.

Speaking during the webinar, the guest speaker, Edmund Walusimbi , founder of The Secret Initiative, a youth motivational program and campus ambassador of Startup Africa, advised youth to only learn what they intend to use.

He urged the youth to utilise the PDCA management formula which involves Planning, Doing, Checking and Acting.

“You plan a process and execute the process. As you do that, you notice areas that need improvement, garnering feedback, interact with customers and that ushers you into the checking stage to analyse what works and what does not. The final stage is acting upon the information you have received. This now needs to become a vicious circle because it will help improve your personal and business brand,” he said.