Simple steps to follow through and make your business unforgettable

Simple steps to follow through and make your business unforgettable


If you want to make your own business unforgettable it's not rocket science, writes Graham McGregor (file photo).

Anna Shvets/PEXELS

If you want to make your own business unforgettable it’s not rocket science, writes Graham McGregor (file photo).

Graham McGregor is a marketing adviser. You can get his free marketing guide ‘The Plan B Sales Solution’ at

OPINION: Earlier this month I invited the subscribers to my free daily marketing messages to answer a simple question.

What has any business done in 2022 that made them unforgettable to you?

I had some fascinating answers to this question.

* Why persistence matters in the pursuit of business success
* Make your business ‘unforgettably famous’ with a big, bold statement
* Making your business famous is just a game

One subscriber shared this answer: “I recently brought new kitchen & laundry appliances from local Hamilton company Kitchen Things.

“Two weeks after installation, the salesperson rang me to see if I was enjoying the appliances and asked if I had any questions.

“I thought the call was great customer service, but then she asked if she could visit and run through how to get the best from these appliances. It was a worthwhile visit.

“It is easy to think, ‘I know how to use these appliances, what can there be to learn?’ But the helpful tips with the next level in technology as well as her experience of using the appliances herself in her own home were really helpful.

“This company is family owned and I was impressed with their attention to customer service beyond the showroom sale.”

Here is what another subscriber had to say on this: “I have a hat that I was given after doing a sailing trip with Great Escape yacht charters in the Bay of Islands.

“It’s a lightweight cap with a little clip that you can attach to your shirt so the cap doesn’t blow off.

“But it is ideal for tennis because the last thing you want to do in the middle of a game is trip over the cap you just lost.

“It is also perfect for tramping because it is lightweight. So I wear it all the time. It has the company logo on it and reminds me of a wonderful week.”

Graham McGregor is a marketing advisor.


Graham McGregor is a marketing advisor.

Finally, I remembered a great example in my own life.

A few days ago, my girlfriend Sue ordered some travel suitcases. We have a number of overseas trips planned and had decided we needed to invest in some better quality travel luggage.

She ordered the travel suitcases online from a business called The New Zealand Luggage Co.

The suitcases were delivered within 48 hours of placing the online order and were packed in two large cardboard boxes.

One box had my suitcases and the other one had Sue’s suitcases.

In the box with my suitcase, there were a number of extra goodies that Sue had not ordered.

These included brightly coloured luggage straps, some great ID luggage tags and a handy travel scale for weighing suitcases.

On the invoice that came with the order was a typed note that read: “Thank you for your purchase Sue and travel safe. I added the GWP’s luggage straps and ID-Luggage tags, plus a set of scales, handy to have on your trip home! Enjoy your travels, regards Terry. The New Zealand Luggage Co.”

Now what a business did in each of these three examples was not rocket science.

One business gave their client a nice gift (a cap) that they have used over and over again.

Another business gave a free personal visit and some training to help a client get a lot more value from the product they had purchased.

A business gave my girlfriend some unexpected added value and included a personal note thanking her for her order.

All of this was super simple. And as a result, each person feels good about having spent money with a business and has told other people about their positive experience.

So remember if you want to make your own business unforgettable it’s not rocket science. Just do things to make your clients feel great and want to tell other people about your business.

This is simple to do.

However, it’s not easy because only a handful of businesses actually do things like this.

In other words, it’s very uncommon and not normal at all.

Which means it will definitely feel uncomfortable when you start doing it.

However, there are amazing rewards in business for standing out and becoming unforgettable.

So what are you going to do in the next 30 days to make some of your clients feel great and want to tell other people about your business?


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