How to Network with the Kids in Tow

How to Network with the Kids in Tow


Life as a mum in business can be tough. Believe me I have four kids and I’ll admit it, operating Echo News with them in tow can be tough sometimes! 

As any mother will resonate, challenges can range anywhere from working in the office with little ones at your feet, daycare calling to say the kids have a rash and need to be picked up early (dang, there goes my work day), to juggling the school runs and extra curricular activities around meetings. Oh, let’s not forget the hurdle of trying to take a business call with ‘Mum, I’m hungry!’ howling from the back seat of the car! Another challenge is networking…or lack of it I might add.  Let’s face it, attending a business networking event with the kids in tow can come across as (a) unprofessional and (b) not much fun for you!

Well, the good news for our local entrepreneurial mums is that you CAN network locally AND bring the kids! Mums in Business North Brisbane (MIB) is a new age movement, and is here to relieve that frustration and isolation that can be felt by our local female movers and shakers in business. These ladies are a group of ambitious and motivated Mums in Business that want to create a profitable business, and live life on their terms – motherhood is certainly not getting in their way of killing it in the business world. They differ from other networking communities as they are child friendly, so the mums are welcome to bring their children along to their events, allowing them to collaborate, learn, connect and grow, in a safe and welcoming environment with the opportunity with business growth potential. From sharing tips, strategies and advice on a range of topics from sales to social media, self care and planning, you are bound to learn a thing or two at their meetings.

Networking events also include fabulous guest speakers where you can learn tips and tricks from other local business ladies. Or, you may want to promote your business in our community through being a speaker yourself!

The organisation also provides supportive Facebook groups, to all women in business regardless of the industry they are in, or if they are new to business, or have been running their business for sometime.  

In addition, the group love supporting local businesses by hosting our events at local cafes, (check out the previous meeting in the pic above at White Horse Ranch in Albany Creek. Their next event is scheduled for Friday March 25th from 12-2pm at Tettos in Everton Park, where an Instagram training workshop will take place which promises to be fun and interactive. Everyone is welcome – including little ones!

For more information visit their Facebook group.


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