10 Side Hustles in High Demand Now

10 Side Hustles in High Demand Now


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A side hustle can be a great way to earn extra money and safeguard your finances. But some hustles bring in cash faster than others.

“In this economy, the need for freelance work is huge,” says DeAngelo McCoy, an entrepreneur. “I see it every day.” As inflation continues to rage, Americans are grappling with the rising cost of living, and the forthcoming holiday season will push many household budgets to the breaking point.

The gig economy can help. And during this time of year, there are many opportunities to start making money right away. These side hustles can help you get the cash you need to pay bills, buy gifts for family and friends, or add to your investment accounts.

Here are 10 side hustles that can help you make an extra $750 or more before December — along with advice from people who do them every day. 

10 Side Hustles to Make You Money in Less Than 30 Days 

  1. Take on part-time shifts for events.
  2. Resell items on e-commerce platforms. 
  3. Edit podcast or video episodes.
  4. Offer freelance gigs online.
  5. Coach or consult people virtually.
  6. Become a part-time rideshare driver.
  7. Create and sell an online course.
  8. Deliver groceries or takeout from restaurants. 
  9. Rent out your car. 
  10.  Rent a room in your home — or even your couch.

No. 1: Take on Part-Time Shifts for Events

During the holiday season, there are lots of events happening, and restaurants need extra help. The tips are also better during the holidays, as more people go out.

“One way to make money this month is by picking up shifts at different types of busy hospitality companies,” says Alex Atwood, who co-founded a side hustle platform called GravyWork to give people access to many different ways to earn money in the gig economy. “Whether it’s a restaurant, a bar in an airport, or an event like a corporate Christmas party, now is a busy event season.” Atwood, 47, says the gig economy has its lowest barrier of entry in 30 years, thanks to advancements in technology and pairing contractors with gigs.

“You can take on shifts at night or on weekends, and find opportunities close to you.”

No. 2: Resell Items on E-Commerce Platforms 

There are probably spare items lying around your home that you haven’t touched for years. You can sell those items on e-commerce platforms such as Poshmark, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and others. 

These platforms allow you to sell items without a huge investment of your time or money to start. This month could be an opportunity to do some house cleaning and make extra money from items you don’t use. 

No. 3: Edit Podcast or Video Episodes 

As of June 2022, there are over 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes, according to Buzzsprout, a podcast hosting company. Those podcasts need editing, and you can offer help as a part-time service. If you’re looking for clients, RSS, another podcast hosting company, provides an extensive directory of potential clients. Along those lines, there are also millions of YouTube channels.

Becoming a podcast or video editor doesn’t take long to learn, and you can charge $75 to $200 an episode. Editing a few weekly episodes could add up to $750 before December.

“Find podcast and video editing clients by joining groups where people are asking for edits, such as Facebook groups or subreddits,” says Tony Whatley, an entrepreneur and author of a book on side hustles. “People are posting in these groups asking for editing services, because many people flake out and don’t do it very long. I’ve seen editors charge between $75 to $100 an episode, and [editors with experience] can charge as much as $150.”

No. 4: Offer Freelance Gigs Online

Freelance marketplaces such as Fiverr and UpWork have an already-established customer base of people looking for help. You can list yourself on freelance platforms and advertise the skills you can be hired for.

Popular freelance services you could do include:

  • Write blogs, emails, social media posts, or newsletters.
  • Become a social media manager for a business.
  • Become a virtual assistant and help with administrative tasks.

On Fiverr, you define the scope of the gig you offer, and users can purchase it. In contrast, UpWork allows users to describe what they need help with, and then freelancers apply for the job or project. Both platforms can be lucrative when used effectively.

“Start with the problem, create the solution, and then put a price on it,” says McCoy.

No. 5: Coach or Consult People Virtually

The online training industry is valued at $243 billion in 2022, according to Statista, a data reporting company. If there are topics you have experience with, you can offer online coaching or consulting services. 

To get started:

  • Create a simple sales page using a Google document. On the document, put what you teach, how you teach it, and how much you charge. 
  • Market the sales pages for the topic on your social media platforms and in social media groups.
  • Connect a payment processor such as Stripe, PayPal, or an option from your bank
  • Do the coaching or consulting sessions on Zoom, working around your job and family schedules.

You can charge $50 to $200 per session. If you did two to four sessions a week, you could get to $750 in less than 30 days. If clients get value from the coaching sessions, you could sell them on a more extensive package or more sessions. 

“Pick a topic you’re good at, and a social media platform you want to post on, then start sharing your knowledge,” says Katya Varbanova, a viral content creator and social media marketing strategist. “Post one to three times a day for a couple of weeks.”

No. 6: Become a Part-Time Rideshare Driver

Many people don’t want to be driving to and from parties or events during the holidays. If you have a vehicle, you can drive for Uber or Lyft; ride-sharing is in constant demand, especially in cities. Uber has a calculator that estimates how much you can make. 

The nice thing about this side hustle is that it can be done on your schedule. In addition to the regular pay, you can also earn tips.

“Side hustles let you diversify your income streams,” says Jessica L. Williams, a side hustle expert who helps people with full-time jobs make extra money. “I was someone who got laid off in my career, so having side hustle options was helpful for me.” 

No. 7: Create and Sell an Online Course

Revenue in the online education and course industry is projected to reach $146.9 billion in 2022, according to Statista. If you have knowledge to share, but don’t have the time to meet with clients every week or month, you can create a course instead on a topic you want to teach. 

The benefit of an online course is that, once you do the work to set it up, you can make passive income. The only work you have to do is market the course, which can be scheduled ahead of time.

To get started:

  • Pick a topic you will teach people in a two- to a six-lesson course. Keep it simple to start.
  • Create any documentation that could accompany the lessons of the course, such as worksheets or implementation software. 
  • Market and sell your course through social media and groups.

“If you want to sell an online course, get good at what you want to sell,” says Minesh Bhiindi, an entrepreneur whose online course has 1,000 active members. “Focus on the problems people need help with. The software and other technical aspects aren’t the most important part of making money selling courses. It’s showing why your course is the solution to their problems.” 

No. 8: Deliver Groceries or Takeout from Restaurants

Don’t want strangers riding in your car? Consider a courier side hustle instead. You can deliver food from local grocery stores and restaurants through apps such as Instacart, DoorDash, UberEats, and GrubHub

You can set your schedule and deliver food or groceries in the amount of time you need to make $750 before December. The pay range for these services can be anywhere from $19 to $22 an hour, not including tips, according to Glassdoor, an anonymous workplace reviews company.

Related: She Paid Off $52,000 in Debt by Delivering for DoorDash. A Top Dasher’s Lucrative Side Hustle Secrets

No. 9: Rent Out Your Car

Apps such as Turo, HyreCar, and Hagerty DriveShare let you list your car for rent in select cities. If you have a spare vehicle, or one you don’t use during the week or on weekends, you could rent it out on these apps. Think of these services as being like Airbnb, but with your car instead of a house or apartment.

“I make $2,000 to $3,000 a month each on two vehicles from renting them on Turo, and around $6,000 a month renting a luxury vehicle,” says Adrian Davis, a serial entrepreneur. “You can easily make $750 in a month renting out a car, especially if you’re in a major city where people are often traveling to.”

If you sign up for your car to be rented, know that many of your customers will want to book your car from an airport. Keep these drop-off and pick-up logistics in mind as you get up and running.

No. 10: Rent a Room in Your Home — or Even Your Couch

Apps such as Airbnb and Vrbo let you list a room, shared space, or entire home on their platforms. You can charge per night, week, or month. You don’t need to own a home to list on these platforms as long as sublets are allowed in your lease, and your listing complies with local zoning laws

“Even with just renting a room, you could make $750 a month plus,” says Quinton Davis, who has three Airbnb properties. “The homes average between $2,200 to $3,200 a month per home. My advice is to start with renting a room and then grow from there; it’s the cheapest way to enter the market and make money quickly.” 

Make Money Fast with These Side Hustles

If you’re looking for quick ways to make extra money this month, the side hustles mentioned above can get cash flowing in weeks, or even days. Think about which ones make the most sense to pursue and take action as you move toward financial independence


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