You’re Asking the Wrong Question About Leads

You’re Asking the Wrong Question About Leads

They talk about mailings that didn’t work, seminars that resulted only in “plate lickers,” networking groups that aren’t getting them business, marketing funnels they’ve attempted to build online and other prospecting and marketing ideas that aren’t working for them.

These are all the hows that aren’t working for them.

But what they need to understand is that it’s whos that bring them business, not hows. Whos are everywhere and can much more reliably lead to business if we develop relationships with them.

What are they doing to leverage their relationships with existing clients?

What are they doing to create and develop relationships with centers of influence?

Are they working on strategic partnerships?

Do they have help, and has their team been taught how to help bring new clients to their office?

Who are they speaking with today?

Ours is a relationship business. Who we interact with and the level of our relationship with them determines our success.

Someone whose relationship with us is a 2 out of a possible 10 isn’t likely to be a source of business or introductions. And it’s not likely you’ll get to 9 or 10 in one conversation with them.

This means investing time in moving your relationships from a 2 to a 3, then to a 4, and so on.

If there’s a how at all, it’s how to take a who to a level-10 relationship, where new business will begin to flow.

Here is my advice in a single sentence…“Ask who… not how.”

Sandy SchusselSandy Schussel has been a coach and practice development consultant for insurance and financial professionals for the past 20 years. He is an approved MDRT coach and has served as the national sales training director for First Investors and Foresters. He is the author of two books, The High Diving Board, about overcoming fear and Become A Client Magnet, about attracting and keeping clients. Schussel‘s scheduling calendar is available here.

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