Why Maintaining Your Business Reputation Is Essential During Tough Economic Periods

Why Maintaining Your Business Reputation Is Essential During Tough Economic Periods

Henri J. Isenberg, COO and Co-Founder of ReviewInc, is a leading expert and researcher in Online Reputation Management and Cyber-Security.

During this period of economic volatility and inflation, we see prices soaring as consumers. As investors, we see a stormy stock market with few stable prospects. As business owners and stakeholders, we wonder if we will fall behind and lose ground after years of investment and growth.

Moreover, economic historians have shown that eight of the last nine inflationary economies were soon followed by recessions. In other words, the economic roller-coaster is likely to continue for a while. What can business leaders do?

Winston Churchill, a leader who helped navigate Great Britain during tumultuous times, paraphrased the philosopher George Santayana when speaking to the House of Commons in 1948: “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

With that in mind, let’s turn our attention to some ancient sage advice. King Solomon has been considered by many to have been the wisest of all men. In two of his most famous works, he references the topic of “Good Name” and “Your Reputation.” In Proverbs 22:1, he writes, “A good name is preferable to wealth, and a goodly favor to silver and gold.” In Ecclesiastes 7:1, he says: “A good name is better than good oil.”

This isn’t just good personal advice; it’s good business advice.

Good reputations are recession-proof.

Warren Buffett, perhaps the wisest of all investors, has several investment tips. One of his key recommendations is to invest in yourself first: “The best investment you can have, for most people, is in your own abilities. Anything you can do to develop your own abilities or your business is probably going to be more productive for you than starting to think about individually making commitments into foreign exchange.”

You can certainly (and should) improve your capabilities through skills training and the deployment of better products, but the goal is to stand out against competitors. Investing in your reputation is a great way to “invest in yourself.”

Buffett also advises making investments they understand. Conversely, he cautions to never invest in a business that you don’t fully understand. But one thing everyone understands about a business is its reputation.

Good reputation gives you pricing power.

During inflationary times, good reputations can bolster sales despite pricing increases. This is called “pricing power.” A brand that has a high social status has robust pricing power. During recessionary times, brand loyalty based on a good reputation can also help keep customers coming back.

Both “pricing power” and “brand loyalty” depend highly on your reputation. At the start of the pandemic, brands that reacted to their customers’ concerns—such as Costco, which opened early shopping hours for senior citizens—remained strong throughout the pandemic.

Is a good reputation better than oil?

While the price of oil has increased in the past few months, the value of your reputation has increased as well. The cost of marketing and advertising has been rising, but the cost of building and maintaining a good reputation is as cheap as ever—and also imperative.

The SBA indicates that marketing costs for small businesses range from 7% to 8% of revenue. When inflation or recession hits, every percent of costs is critical. The good news is that reputation management can represent a tiny fraction of the overall marketing budget. Since so many consumers now use internet searches, they rely more on online reviews and ratings to make their selections than on reading advertisements. Several university studies have linked the value of online reviews and star ratings with revenue growth.

Left to their own devices, dissatisfied consumers are probably more apt to complain and write negative reviews than satisfied customers are likely to write positive reviews. Hence, a good business practice is to encourage all customers to write reviews. One way to do so is to simply ask your customers. Another way is to send them a link to a review site via email or text.

Of course, you want to make sure you do this within the FTC guidelines. You can also consider professional services that automate these processes while adhering to the guidelines.

Conclusion: Social Proof = Economy Proof

In the dominant world of social media and search engines, consumers play a powerful role in shaping the reputations of big brands and small businesses alike. Businesses that harness the power of social media will impact their reputation and buttress them against economic storms. A good online reputation validates a business, product or service. This is known as “social proof,” or proof from online consumers that the business, product or service is valuable.

How can this value be used? For starters, it makes advertising more effective and sometimes even eliminates the need for advertising. According to Funding Circle, if your business is looking for a loan, you can use your good online reputation to help you land better loan terms. Lenders recognize the intangible value of a brand and a business’s online reputation.

Facebook, arguably the most popular in social media, allows businesses to collect and post reviews on their business pages. When you get a review on Google or Yelp, you can post links to those reviews on Facebook or other platforms. This increases the visibility of reviews.

Having worked with thousands of businesses, I have seen businesses grow as their reputations improve. Conversely, I have seen businesses decline in sales when their reputations were sullied. As sage leaders and investors throughout the ages have pointed out: It’s a good practice to invest in your reputation. By investing in your name, your good business reputation should make your business more resilient in these trying economic times.

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