Tips and Tricks to Power-Up Mobile Learning

Tips and Tricks to Power-Up Mobile Learning

Today, mobile learning is highly popular in almost every eLearning sector. Be it the health, education, corporate, or banking sector, almost all of them have adopted mobile learning effectively. This is so because mobile learning is untethered and can be done anytime and anywhere. 

With the rising use of portable devices like smartphones, and tablets, among the millennials and Gen Z, organizations are utilizing this open-ended opportunity. 

Nowadays, everyone wants everything on the tip of their fingers, be it shopping, buying groceries, forms & applications, studies, watching movies, financial transactions, job search, booking appointments with doctors, and the list is endless. Thus, the increasing use of mobile devices is the prime reason behind the rising popularity of mobile learning. 

Additionally, mobile learning is a perfect eLearning option for remote workers, especially the low-income groups. You may not find a laptop or desktop in their house, but you’ll find them using their smartphones. It’s relatively cheaper and easy to operate. 

Most importantly, you don’t have to stick to your computer desks all the time. Using mobile devices, you can access online training content on the bus or while waiting for a metro on the way home. It is the best way to keep those online learners engaged who have short attention spans. 

The urge to be pertinent in the eyes of the online learners has methodically pushed the eLearning market operators to improve their Mobile Apps. For instance, employee onboarding LMS software should be integrated with mobile devices or be inbuilt in mobile apps so that onboarding becomes easier. This gives a wonderful experience to new hires as it makes onboarding hassle-free.

It is noteworthy that mobile learning requires a different approach for graphic design, instructional design, and user interface. But more on that in another article. For now, let’s look at some tips and tricks to power-up mobile learning:

1. Generate quality content

If you want your mobile learning strategy to be successful, you need top-notch eLearning content that is relevant, up-to-date, and accurate. Additionally, the content should be updated and edited according to the online learner’s requirements. You can use different formats to provide eLearning content like videos, audio, or PDFs. 

Apart from this, diagrams, data tables, strobe pictures, and real-life videos and images can also be infused into the eLearning content.

2. Infuse microlearning

Microlearning can be used to spice up the eLearning journey. It helps you to provide to-the-point information to online learners. You can create chew-sized modules for online learners that can be absorbed easily by them. 

When such modules are given in chunks, there are higher chances that learners will retain the information for a longer period. This also helps them to complete their online training courses on time as the eLearning modules are shrunk into smaller pieces. 

3. Track learners’ progress

Tracking online learners’ performance is extremely important for measuring the success of your eLearning program. The eLearning project managers must develop the right metrics to gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning. 

Learning graphs can be created and shared with learners to give insights about their growth curve since the beginning of their eLearning journey. 

4. Ask for feedback

Feedback instills confidence among learners, motivates them to learn, and ultimately guides them to accomplish their goals in time. Mobile learning facilitates quick feedback to online learners regarding their performance in online training assessments, assignments, and projects. 

This can work the other way around as well. You can take feedback from online learners asking what they feel is missing or can be improved in the eLearning program. By asking for feedback, you make online learners feel more valued and important. They feel closer to your organization. 

After taking feedback, appropriate changes should be made after consulting eLearning professionals. Modifications should only be put into effect if it creates a positive impact on your eLearning program.

5. Quick assessment

Mobile learning helps online training assessments become more fun and entertaining. Five minutes quizzes and ten-minute worksheets can skillfully help online learners. 

For example, eLearning project managers and online instructors can design online training assessments in such a way that a one-hour-long assessment is divided into chunks that can be attempted by the online learners at their own pace.

6. Send notifications and set reminders

You can send notifications to online learners on their mobile devices,  reminding them about their pending online training assessments, assignments, and projects. Unlike on a desktop, online learners can hardly ignore messages or notifications on their mobile phones since they carry and use them all day long.

Apart from this, online learners can themselves set reminders on their phones concerning any pending task. 

7. Gamify eLearning experience

Gamification and mobile learning are a match made in heaven. Amazing game-based quizzes and assessments can be easily accessed by online learners. You can acknowledge their performance by giving them rewards in the form of virtual coins, badges, trophies, medals, etc.

You can also design short games to keep online learners engaged. For example, branching scenario-based games can be created, which can be helpful in sales training. The online learners can be placed in a certain situation where they need to make decisions on the spot. Thus, it is a great tool to upskill your sales team.

8. Incorporate social learning

Well, if you’re all set to provide mobile learning to online learners, then make sure you incorporate social learning into the eLearning platform. Social learning encourages back and forth communication between online learners and other members. They can use this as an opportunity to share their expertise and experiences with everyone. Other benefits include:

  • Hosting Q&A sessions 
  • Interact on personal chat space
  • Sharing share current event articles or blog posts and other relevant links
  • Having healthy debates on discussion boards

Since collaborative learning is the best and most solid strategy to learn, you must use social learning tools with mobile learning.

Mobile learning should focus less on comprehension and retention and more on accessibility and convenience. The unstoppable rise in mobile users needs to be tapped. You can use the above hacks to enhance the user experience and quality of eLearning content. 


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