Three Tips for Closing More Real Estate Sales in a Shifting Market — RISMedia

Three Tips for Closing More Real Estate Sales in a Shifting Market — RISMedia

Over the past few years, closing a real estate deal was easy for many real estate agents. Homes flew off the market almost as soon as they were listed. The actual closing seemed like just a formality.  

Now that the market is fluctuating away from that hectic pace, agents will find that they need to return to basics and sharpen their skillset. Knowing how to close a deal effectively will be one of the most important skills.   

If you’re a team leader, it’s imperative that you set your agents up to be successful, so that they can reach their own goals, as well as those of the overall team. Your newer agents will need to learn the basics they never really have used while more seasoned agents may benefit from a refresher course.

Buffini & Company’s 100 Days to Greatness® offers an outstanding training program for all levels of agents. You, as a leader, have the opportunity to first get certified and then lead this program in your own office. The learning modules are packed with dynamic information, resources and dialogues that are used at every stage of a transaction by many of the top agents in the industry. 

Communication is the key throughout
We all have our own ways of communicating but we might not be as skilled in adapting our style to those we encounter in business or life in general. Being able to recognize and then adapt to a client’s communication style is a key factor that can determine if a deal closes or not. It can also be an integral part of getting more referrals — or not.

For example, a client may be very emotional and bases their decisions primarily on how they are feeling. Their agent, on the other hand, is more pragmatic. They thrive on facts and focus on the end result. Unless the agent acknowledges the client’s style, there could be tension in the relationship. That particular deal may go through but the chance of the client referring others to that agent is slim.

Listen and then close  
When it comes to closing a deal, communication styles become even more important. At Buffini & Company, knowing and honoring a client’s needs is at the heart of what they call a “consultative close.” The sales representative first listens to a client’s pain points and then offers solutions.

A consultative close can work well for real estate agents too. By prioritizing the relationship and learning about the client’s needs, the agent shows that the client is more than just a transaction.

‘It’s a Pro’s Market’
Buffini & Company’s coaches have years of experience, helping clients through every type of market. They know it is not easy now, but have faith that with proper skill building, it will be a market full of opportunities.

“As the market shifts, it will be a ‘Pro’s Market,’” Dave McGhee, Buffini & Company vice president of Coaching said. “It will be the agents that have sharp skills and knowledge in areas like negotiation and leading a client through the ups and downs of a transaction.”  

“We know that training and coaching gives you the important skills so you can succeed and be the trusted professional that your clients will come to rely on,” he added.  

Want to help your team reach and exceed their goals this year? We’ve got you! Visit to learn more.

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