Things you can do to fight recurring back pain as early as in your 30s

Things you can do to fight recurring back pain as early as in your 30s

Editor’s note: This content is sponsored by Dolo Neurobion and was produced by BrandRap, the sales and marketing arm of Rappler. No member of the news and editorial team participated in the production of this piece.

We are expecting body pain to hit us when we grow older. But no one warned us about recurring back pains that can start even as early as in our thirties.1 

In reality, suffering from back pain is more common than we think. There are several causes like accidents, frequent lifting of heavy objects, and prolonged sitting. The thing is back pain becomes a serious problem when it’s recurring and aching too much. 2

How can we overcome those daily bouts of back pain? Here are a few tips and suggestions:

Set up an ergonomic workspace

Having an ergonomic workspace means arranging your desk in an efficient way that makes you feel comfortable.This setup keeps your bones and joints in proper alignment, making sure that your body is free from strain and muscular pain. Ideally, in an ergonomic workstation, your head, neck, and shoulders are positioned forward and upright. The monitor should be positioned in front of your eyes and your chair supports your lower back.

If you’ve been struggling with non-stop back pain, perhaps it’s time to invest in an ergonomic workspace starting with a durable office chair – one that provides back support and is adjustable according to your height. You can also improve your desk setup with a laptop stand. This nifty tool that can keep your laptop at eye-level and prevent you from slouching and suffering from a nagging neck pain.

You can use a stack of books as an alternative, too if you’re on a tight budget but in need of a laptop stand or riser at home.

Exercise regularly – even while at your desk

It was highlighted that daily exercise is one of the best ways to prevent or recover from back pain. Since the pandemic, we have been sitting for longer hours and spending much of our time in front of our gadgets. And now, we don’t get enough exercise, which has then limited our bone and muscle movements. 3

Instead of using your phone, why not sneak in a simple stretch during your break? Stretching helps relieve the tension that builds up in our shoulders, neck, and back. You can try this “deskercise”, a kind of exercise that can be done at one’s desk. Feel the stretch in your neck, shoulder, and upper body. Before jumping to high intensity interval training sessions, master a simple stretch routine first. Your body will thank you later.

Observe a healthy diet

Aside from regular movement and exercise, it is also important to pay attention to our diet. Studies have shown that eating food high in antioxidants such as fruits and leafy vegetables may help body pain.

Having a healthy diet means staying away from processed foods like hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and sugary cereals. It can be a little challenging at first (because it means avoiding our favorite snacks at home). Thank goodness, there are ways to make healthy foods more enjoyable to eat. Have you heard of these veggie and fruit smoothies and crunchy cauliflower rice? They’re yummy, healthy, and can help soothe our body pains.

Take Paracetamol + Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Dolo Neurobion) to help relieve recurring back pain and support nerve regeneration

When considering over-the-counter medication for your recurring back aches, look for one that offers pain relief as well as B vitamins which help support nerve regeneration.

Now there are over-the-counter medicines that can help give you both. Paracetamol + Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Dolo-Neurobion) contains B Vitamins which help treat nerve damage and regenerate the nerves. It also has paracetamol which helps when it comes to muscle pain relief.

While back pain is relatively common, especially as early as the age of 30, recurring back pain is another story. It may have underlying nerve damage and to help relieve recurring back pain, you can try to follow the tips above and with the help of taking Paracetamol + Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Dolo-Neurobion).

There’s no better way to welcome your 30s than with a healthy mind and body. With the help of Paracetamol + Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Dolo-Neurobion) plus healthy food and regular exercise, you can still pursue your hobbies and continue doing the things you love without worrying about your back.

Paracetamol + Vitamins B1 + B6 + B12 (Dolo-Neurobion) is an over-the-counter medicine available across major pharmacy stores in the country: Mercury Drug, Watsons, Southstar Drug, St. Joseph Drug, and Rose Pharmacy. For updates, follow Dolo-Neurobion on Facebook and Instagram.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. –

ASC Reference Code: P020P081022DS


1. Ganesan, Acharya, Chauhan, and Shankar Acharya. (August 2017).  Prevalence and Risk Factors for Low Back Pain in 1,355 Young Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study.

2. Robert H. Shmerling, MD. (March 2019). Back Pain.*:*:text=When*20a*20cause*20is*20found,such*20as*20lifting*20or*20pregnancy__;I34lJSUlJSUlJQ!!NgSi4SaN6ydtRVQ-!hIeQGiGGH_VMcSVV-YiaYlumAxCndhMX6JyA88QuFTWq-qUq5fKrIBrH3E3-jw$

3. Harvard Health Publishing. (May 2016). 5 steps to a pain–free back.

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