Our 2023 HubSpot Tips Guide | Good2bSocial

Our 2023 HubSpot Tips Guide | Good2bSocial

HubSpot is a powerful tool that law firms of any size can use to level up their digital marketing.HubSpot Tips However, that doesn’t mean organizations always leverage HubSpot CRM or CMS to their full potential. If you need some assistance in making the most of your HubSpot applications, keep reading.

HubSpot Tips for Law Firms in 2023.

1. Host an entire-team HubSpot onboarding session – Have you ever heard that a good start is half the work? Luckily, HubSpot Onboarding offers a robust platform to get your team up to speed. Set up a session where you can go over HubSpot tips and tricks. Before starting, set up goals for the team and ensure they know where to access more resources.

2. Test with real email addresses – Since most lead generation activities ask for an email, and many people input a fake email, it’s a good practice to find and market to only genuine emails. Set up an automated follow-up email once someone provides their email so that you can thank them for signing up – while also seeing if you get a hard or soft bounce. Then you can confirm you have a list of valid emails.

3. Make sure you understand how HubSpot CRM works – It’s important to truly know how HubSpot CRM gathers, stores, and uses your data. Research the main parts: contacts, companies, deals, and tickets; research HubSpot tips to make the most of each element.

4. Use built-in analytics – HubSpot provides powerful analytics out of the box so that you can track everything from website activity to email and social media engagement. Take the time to review these metrics periodically so that you know how to optimize.

5. Integrate HubSpot marketing automation and CRM – Sales and marketing alignment has never been more important. By integrating HubSpot marketing and sales software, you can facilitate such alignment. Research shows that sales productivity can increase by almost 15% with marketing automation software.

6. Consider hiring an agency that specializes in HubSpot – As you scale your firm, it’s a good idea to work with an agency that has a thorough background in HubSpot. They can help you pick the plans and utilize the features that will help you to grow.

7. Progressive profiling – This feature allows you to make your forms more personalized. This is a great way of saving time and reducing redundancy to avoid monotony and increase engagement.

8. HubSpot lead scoring – Did you know poor follow-ups are responsible for losing the majority of a company’s lost leads? You can avoid this by using lead scoring, which allows users to assign values in the form of “numerical points” to each lead based on their behavior and interaction on the website to prioritize the marketing efforts and focus on the highest quality leads. HubSpot has a great tool for this and plenty of tutorials to get you started.

9. HubSpot lead flows. This feature allows HubSpot marketing-free customers to create pop-up prompts and forms so that relevant content is offered to them at the right time and place. It can be a great help in increasing conversion rates for your goals.

10. Utilize branching logic. Branching logic refers to mapping out workflows based on client engagement and interactions and gets triggered when a particular criterion is fulfilled. For example, if a client has opened an email and clicked on a gated piece of content but stopped filling out the form midway through, you can resend the form and see if they fill it out.

11. Develop task queues for your sales team. Creating task queues is one of the most-cited tips by CRM experts. Using HubSpot queues, you can list tasks for the week and prioritize and organize them for maximum efficiency. You can create tasks, edit them, reorder them, and add them to the queue as needed.

12. Create navigation-free landing pages. The best client paths are those that limit disruptions and allow visitors to focus on a specific item. Use HubSpot landing pages to create pages without additional navigation, links, footers, or sidebars. While you’re creating landing pages, try using a responsive HubSpot CMS theme that creates mobile-friendly pages with zero coding.

13. Single customer accounts. One CRM best practice is to maintain a single client account within your database. Periodically, you should take the time to ensure forms have been merged and there is a single contact record with a primary contact method.

14. Compelling CTAs. CTAs are incredibly important when it comes to engaging potential clients. Avoid the all-too-common “learn more” and consider the various ways to get someone’s contact information. Get creative and ask people to subscribe to your newsletter, download content, register for a webinar, etc.

15. SEO recommendations. HubSpot has some great SEO tools that offer specific optimization tips. Since many tactics can be completed for free, SEO improvements are great for your ROI.

16. Marketing campaign tool. This tool allows marketers to combine marketing assets and content in one place to measure the efficiency of marketing efforts. For example, you can create a web content campaign and then tag social media posts to it.

17. Workflows and automation. Marketing automation has been proven to save time and make the marketing process more efficient and streamlined. Explore HubSpot’s marketing automation workflows to see where you can cut redundancies and speed up time-consuming tasks.

18. Leverage HubSpot Academy. It’s a great resource that provides free, thorough online training for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service using courses, projects, certifications, and software training. When you have downtime, why not spend a few hours seeing what you can learn?

19. Use the social media tool to prioritize social interaction. Social media is essential. In fact, Statista predicted that over 90% of American marketers in companies with over 100 employees used social media in 2021.HubSpot’s social media management software offers lots of tools, tips, and tricks to explore.

20. Perform on ceaseless upgrade cycle. HubSpot is constantly improving and adding new functionality. Take the time to learn about the latest and greatest, and make sure to perform suggested updates.

21. Target buyer personas on forms. Using Smart content combined with user personas that you created will lead to the most engagement. HubSpot form fields automatically assign a persona to the contacts through workflows. Start by creating your personas in the Make My Persona tool.

22. Create strong landing pages. Follow the major pillars suggested by HubSpot when creating landing pages: Design and structure; Enticing headlines; Relevant CTA and media use; and Client testimonials and other social proof.

23. Use Smart Content in HubSpot CMS. In HubSpot, Smart content are various elements on your website that are displayed based on the visitor’s or viewer’s past behavior and interests. This creates an experience tailored to the visitor and is great for engagement. Smart content does a lot of the work for you in providing a more personalized experience and is absolutely worth taking advantage of.

24. Try HubSpot Meeting tools. Did you know HubSpot offers a free meeting scheduler? If you use the scheduler, you can automatically add meeting contacts to your HubSpot CRM. You can also embed the link to your calendar directly onto your website for direct scheduling, which potential clients find really valuable.

25. Gain competitive intelligence. You can keep tabs on your competitors using HubSpot features. For example, you can get a better understanding of data like keyword rankings, followers, and marketing grades in HubSpot’s ‘Competitor Reports’ portal.

26. Create and save custom reporting. Segment your dashboard data further by producing HubSpot reports from custom-saved filters with the reporting add-on. Using the custom report builder, you can easily create new reporting that you want to pull regularly.

27. Track marketing ROI. Every marketer knows that tracking ROI is an important part of the job. In HubSpot, you can track all of your individual marketing efforts over time. In your HubSpot portal, go to Campaigns and then view or edit various marketing campaigns.


HubSpot is one of the most popular platforms for both digital marketing efforts and CRM – and for good reason. Properly leveraging HubSpot will allow your firm to attract visitors, generate leads, convert prospects, and manage relationships. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a learning curve! Use these 27 tips to get more educated on HubSpot and everything it can do for you. Put a few of them into practice and watch your marketing ROI increase.

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