Marinucci: Use clear language to describe vehicle issues

Marinucci: Use clear language to describe vehicle issues

Some sales pros assert that communicating effectively is more of an art than a science. You may question that conclusion but I hope you will not question the need to practice the technique.

The more earnestly you practice plain speaking, the more easily you will engage — connect with — people on the other side of the service counter.

No two sales prospects are exactly the same. Therefore, justifying a costly repair job to them will not necessarily be the same, either.

Word choices that engage one motorist may not necessarily succeed with another one.

Patiently listen to the prospects’ follow-up questions. Watch their facial expressions and overall body language because it often telegraphs how they are receiving your message.

A negative reaction may signal the need for simpler, clearer words and/or more-familiar examples than those you’ve already used. A salesperson is on the right track when the prospect reacts favorably to these revisions.

Service salespeople use a variety of words, phrases and examples to simplify auto repair for customers. I will cite two convenient examples here.

Modern vehicles have a multitude of on-board computers performing various chores. A vehicle manufacturer may name a computer a regulator, module, node, controller, etc.

Some service writers told me that these names seemed to intimidate or confuse customers. Consequently, they began using their own generic terms — computer or mini-computer.

“Today, the word computer is simpler and more familiar than the other terms,” a salesperson told me. “It is familiar because most people have ‘a computer’ at home and at work.”

A computer only performs as well as the data it receives. Numerous sensors feed vital data into onboard computers and these sensors are more likely to fail than the computer itself.

A failing sensor may wreak havoc with computer operation because it is sending erratic, intermittent data. Sometimes this confuses a motorist.

I have heard several seasoned service writers clarify and familiarize this breakdown with current computer lingo: Garbage in, garbage out.

More specifically, the failing sensor is feeding the computer garbage instead of clear, consistent data. Therefore, the computer reacts with garbage instead of logical decisions.

In conclusion, remember the old axiom — err on the side of safety. Likewise, err on the side of simplicity, dignity and familiarity when speaking to customers. I bet they will appreciate your approach.

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