Kamloops author to hold book signing at Chapters

Kamloops author to hold book signing at Chapters

Derek Strokon will showcase his book, Stop Stalling, Start Selling, on Feb. 4 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

A Kamloops man has written and published a business help book, which offers lessons and tips gleaned from a 16-year career in financial services, with the book an international bestseller on Amazon.

Derek Strokon will be at Chapters bookstore on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to sign copies of Stop Stalling, Start Selling.

After a lengthy career in financial services in Kamloops, Strokon began his own business, Sacred Line Consulting, in February 2022.

Now working as a business coach/consultant, Strokon said the time was right for him to write a book, offering lessons for selling from the past years of knowledge he had amassed.

The book is a collection of short stories Strokon has used in his sales training over the last 25 years.

“They’re three- to four-page, easily digestible sales tips and lessons that are related and easily applicable,” Strokon said.

When Strokon sat down to work on his first few chapters, he said he wrote 19 of 50 chapters in three days. Stop Stalling, Start Selling was released as an e-book on Amazon on Sept. 3, 2022.

Strokon said it will be released in its hard copy form on Saturday, Feb. 4, at Chapters in Aberdeen Village, at Pacific Way and Hillside Drive in Dufferin.

Strokon recently returned from speaking about his book at a TedXTalk in Surrey.

“TedX was fantastic. We had almost a thousand people in attendance. What a journey and adventure that was,” Strokon said, noting the TedXTalk will air in the coming months.

The coming spring will see Strokon begin working on a follow-up book.

“There’s 32 authors and we’re all planning to end up with a completed manuscript at the end of seven days,” he said.

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