How to Train Your Virtual Real Estate ISA — RISMedia

How to Train Your Virtual Real Estate ISA — RISMedia

A real estate ISA (inside sales agent) is often confused with a receptionist or personal assistant. This is inaccurate and misleading, as a true ISA is so much more. While an ISA is similar to an outside sales agent, they don’t attend buyer appointments or walk clients through the selling process. Instead, they focus on being highly trained and experienced salespeople within your organization. When leveraged successfully, an ISA can provide invaluable support.

What does a real estate ISA need to be trained in?

Getting the most out of your real estate ISA requires proper and consistent training. To properly leverage your ISA, share any knowledge of the role you already possess to set them up to do the job even better than you.

There are certain skills and abilities your ISA should possess upon being hired. These include good customer service and communication skills, familiarity with your target market as well as the basic administrative skills necessary for data input and scheduling. Beyond that, you should expect to do some training related to everything else necessary to be successful.

Here are some of the most important training tips for anyone wanting to get the most out of their real estate ISA:

  • Provide guidelines for acing phone conversations and tonality
  • Teach them how to fit an effective “reversing question” into the conversation organically
  • Train them on how to use a lead qualification checklist
  • Ensure that they are confident using your real estate CRM system
  • Provide them with thorough and effective scripts

To set your ISA up for success, incorporate these proven, everyday practices.

Weekly or bi-weekly training

While the goal is to get your ISA operating autonomously, it’s important to check in regularly. Schedule a quick meeting every week or every other week to check-in.


Consistent role-playing provides the opportunity to practice without the consequence of failure. Not only will role-playing help your ISA internalize the dialogue you’ve scripted for them, it will also help them get better at handling spontaneous situations.

Reviewing recorded calls

Recording your ISA’s phone calls with prospective clients is the best way to dig into their strengths and weaknesses. By listening to calls together, you can address missed opportunities while providing praise and support.


An acronym that stands for Location, Price, Motivation, Agent, Mortgage and Appointment, this six-factor framework helps agents understand how qualified a buyer is while gauging their true intentions.  This allows the ISA to understand the buyer better, developing trust that will eventually win you their business.

  • Focus on the property location and remove all other possibilities to narrow down the search.
  • Pitch property prices and find the bracket the buyer can afford.
  • Determine the buyer’s motivation to purchase. Is it an urgent relocation, or a desire for a specific feature or lifestyle?
  • Inquire about the buyer’s need for an agent by asking directly or posing an indirect question that presents an opportunity.
  • Clarify if the buyer is pre-approved or not.
  • This is where you set a meeting and schedule a property showing.

 Hiring a real estate ISA may sound like an easy move to boost your sales prospects, but it can be a futile gesture if not done correctly.

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