Every Boss In Steelrising, Ranked By Difficulty

Every Boss In Steelrising, Ranked By Difficulty

Despite its high levels of wonkiness, there’s no doubt that Steelrising is a soulslike every fan of the genre owes themselves to try out. With its setting a mix of French Revolution and creepy robots caught straight out of some terrible dystopia, along with its deep combat mechanics, there are a ton of things to like about this game.

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Even though multiple things that could’ve improved Steelrising, the bosses are a true highlight. Titans, as the game called them, are the main terrifying machinations that are fast, supremely powerful, and wouldn’t hesitate to crush you down. As is the case with any game, though, some of these titans are far stronger than others. So with that said, let’s take a look at all the titans in Steelrising from the weakest to the strongest.


8/8 The Bishop Of The Cite

As one of the earlier Titans that you get to fight in this game, The Bishop of the Cite is the first real challenge for players in Steelrising. However, since it is the first main boss of the game, it also happens to be one of the easiest to defeat. Its moves or phases don’t have a ton of variation, and to make this boss even simpler to defeat, you just have to wait for it to enter a cooldown stage to dish out damage.

Considering how simple it is to defeat the boss, any weapon and grenades are going to be enough to finish it off. Just be on your guard at all times, and this will nothing more than a cakewalk.

7/8 Treasurer Of Les Invalides

Waiting near the end of the Les Invalides tower is the Treasurer, a hammer and electricity-wielding Titan. It’s essentially Steelrising’s equivalent of Smough after taking Ornstein’s powers for himself. Massive and highly damaging with its attacks, he sends out smaller machines out of the cylinder on his back that can chip away at your health, all while attacking you with its body and hammer.

In this fight, the main thing to be on the lookout for is the Treasurer’s leap attack–it can easily catch you off guard and deal a ton of damage. Overall though, it’s a slow-moving Titan that, with some elemental effects and grenades, should be relatively easy to take down.

6/8 The Centaur

The Centaur is a formidable opponent that you get to face in the mid to late game. This Titan may give you quite the scare at first as he charges straight at you with its spear, but in reality, is one of the weaker Bosses in the game. Even though it has a move to attack you in almost every situation, all you really need to do is to get behind him and wreak havoc.

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That’s not to say it’s an easy task, its moves deal a ton of damage, and if you get caught in one of Centaur’s AOE attacks, you’ll most certainly be left scrounging for health. Word of advice–try taking it on with a stunlock or a frost-oriented build. The Centaur will take a ton of damage with such builds, making the fight even easier for you.

5/8 Selenite Of The Louvre

The Selenite of The Louvre, too, is one of the earlier Titans of the game. However, don’t fall under the impression that this one is just as easy as the Bishop. With the quick pokes of its pike and the electrical discharges from its shield, this Titan can easily catch you off-guard with its ferocity.

The thing that further accentuates this fight’s difficulty is how the players are really ill-equipped to take Selenite on. That’s not to say that defeating it is impossible. By understanding its attack patterns, strapping yourself with some of the best possible weapons, having an endurance module equipped, and with some explosive grenades, taking this boss down is completely doable.

4/8 The Executioner

Don’t let this Guillotine-inspired Titan distract you from its highly damaging, ice-cold strikes. Although this Titan is a little sluggish with its attacks, you need to be really careful and avoid building up frost on your character. That frost can leave you immobile just enough for the Executioner to move in and destroy your health bar in an instant. So, be sure to avoid that.

The easiest strategy for this boss is to rely on ranged attacks and move in to attack once it uses its Guillotine chain–it leaves the boss completely open for a few seconds. Relying on fire elemental weapons can also be effective against it, so if you have any of those, it’s a good time to bring them out as well.

3/8 The Royal Orpheus

The thing about Royal Orpheus is that he’s really easy to miss if you are not focusing on Steelrising’s many side quests. One of these side quests, unlocked once you complete The Montmartre mission, takes you back to Saint-Cloud, where the fight with The Royal Orpheus awaits.

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The boss itself is quite difficult, having a few moves that are well-telegraphed and some that are quick and difficult to dodge. Its attacks also leave a lightning after-effect, so make sure not to rush in to deal damage. Lightning-based attacks are ineffective against this guy, so you’re better off working with Frost or other elemental gear. All in all, though, it’s a tough boss battle that most players would have a blast getting through. It’s a shame that it’s an optional boss, and many people will miss this Titan on their first time through the game.

2/8 Alchemist of Luxembourg

Out of the first three early Titans that you get to face in Steelrising, The Alchemist is by far the hardest and arguably one of the most difficult bosses in Steelrising. Much of this difficulty comes from the Titan’s sheer unpredictability as it combines different elemental attacks in a way that’s difficult to read and understand.

Not to mention, its moveset is a clear indication that elemental attacks do little good against it. So, when facing him, make sure that you’re going in with a focus on melee attacks and the use of explosive grenades.

1/8 The Iron Queen

As the final boss of the game, it’s no surprise that The Iron Queen is far and wide the hardest boss to defeat in Steelrising. Guarding the Monarch in his castle, she has a ton of moves up her sleeves, each suitable for every combat situation it finds itself in.

She’s a relentless beast that never slows down, meaning that you’ll have to retaliate with just as much aggressiveness against it. Couple that with her extremely high elemental resistance, and it becomes clear why The Queen is so difficult to defeat. If you’ve made it this far, though, then with a bit of skill and patience, you’ll surely take it down as well.

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