Big Mistake! Your Hotel Website Is Not Just an Online Brochure : 4Hoteliers

Big Mistake! Your Hotel Website Is Not Just an Online Brochure : 4Hoteliers

A website that allows you to stand out amongst a sea of competitors and, most importantly, drive sales. Unfortunately, we see many hoteliers underestimate the power of a well-designed website to grow their business, and end up with fewer direct sales, lower perceived value and lower conversion rates than they could have.

After successfully winning over banks and investors, navigating planning permissions, repositioning your property, meticulously fine-tuning every detail and training your team, the time has come to market your brand new hotel.

After spending so much money renovating or building your hotel, you want your website to be an asset, not a liability.

To make sure you are set up for success when planning your new hotel website, we have compiled the top 5 mistakes hotels make when creating their websites, along with practical tips on how to avoid them.

Mistake n°1: Thinking of your website as an online brochure

Every journalist, potential client and partner will visit your website to find out ‘who you are’. All your communications will eventually lead to your website – whether you issue a press release or post something on the hotel’s social media. Even if your customers book through booking platforms, they are likely to visit your website.

Either to see the breakfast menu, for example, or to see more photos of the facilities. Your website is therefore your number one communication channel to showcase your unique concept and brand.

This means that your website should not just be seen as a digital brochure, but as a digital headquarters that reflects the physical essence of your establishment. Your website must not only provide static facts about your hotel, but also cater to different visitor profiles, with different entry points, looking for different information, and at different stages of the sales funnel (some people are just browsing, while others are looking for specifics to make a booking decision).

Key takeaway: Your website is your number one communication channel with multiple audiences and interests, so it cannot be designed like a static sales brochure.

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