Beginner Tips And Tricks For Amnesia: Rebirth

Beginner Tips And Tricks For Amnesia: Rebirth

Frictional Games’ Amnesia: Rebirth is laden with shadowy passages, hidden portals, and otherworldly creatures: three things that any die-hard fan of the series will more than likely be familiar with by this point. Like The Dark Descent, Justine, and A Machine For Pigs, resources are just as scarce, and progress is often determined by how far you’re willing to push your mortality as you brave the unknown.

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Of course, trudging through any form of uncharted territory in a survival horror game is often met with dire consequences, and Amnesia: Rebirth is no different. That said, there are several ways to make your time down in the Algerian crypts a little less threatening. So, before you make your descent into the darkness, be sure to keep these tips in mind.


Conserve Your Matches

Matches are one of the few sources of light you will find in your arsenal in Amnesia: Rebirth, which means preservation is key. Failure to conserve the limited supply you have will, of course, lead to a lot of roaming around in the darkness scavenging for points of entry to dive deeper into the story.

That said, you will need to endure the darkness at times, if only to keep at least one match in your inventory until it’s deemed essential to progress. Finding balance and knowing exactly when to ignite a match will be your key to tackling the darker areas.

You can find matches in the stone storage boxes in and around the underground tunnels, which can be added to your inventory by removing the lid and interacting with them. However, as your eyes adjust to the darkness after a few short seconds, you should walk in the dark as much as possible. If your fear levels are getting too high, then light a match at the last minute until you reach a brazier or a torch.

Leave Breadcrumb Trails

With the amount of dark corridors and forts you’ll be tiptoeing through in Rebirth, you’re bound to get lost at least once or twice. But if you happen to have a few matches to spare, then you should always aim to leave a breadcrumb trail of sorts with candles, torches, and lanterns that you find along the way.

Due to the complexity of some of the underground labyrinths, you will find that having to backtrack and retrace your steps can be rather long-winded and something of a chore. Therefore, if you can light the way and keep a log of your path, then you shouldn’t have to worry about losing your way.

Let The Traveller’s Amulet Be Your Guide

Shortly after you acquire the Traveller’s Amulet in the prologue, you will discover that the locket has the power to open up portals between realms. These realms, which can be identified by holding the Amulet over certain areas until it glows a warm green, will give you an idea of your whereabouts, and will let you know that you’re on the right track. To boost your chances of finding the way forward, always have your Traveller’s Amulet equipped.

As you’ll come to learn, having the Traveller’s Amulet equipped will cause your controller to vibrate when a portal is nearby. The Amulet will both glow and shake as you draw closer to your destination. Having this in your hand as much as possible will help you navigate the darkness, as well as preserve your limited supply of matches.

Read Everything You Find

If there’s one thing Amnesia: Rebirth isn’t exactly short on, it’s collectible documents and memories, a lot of which can be used to gather a deeper understanding of the world you’re exploring. Although not essential to completing the story, brushing up on the leftover notes and memoirs can give you an insight into some of the hidden chambers and passageways that make up the underground nexus.

Notes, photographs, and books are all worth collecting if you happen to find them. And unless you’re in danger or being pursued by a monster, you should always read through all the information that you find. If you’re unable to gloss over the data straight away, then you can always spool through your collected items by opening up your inventory when it is safe to do so.

Crouch As Often As Possible

In spite of all the narrow corridors and passageways that flesh out Amnesia: Rebirth’s world, you do not have to crouch, crawl, or even squeeze through a lot of them to progress. That said, you should aim to crouch as often as possible to avoid being detected by enemies. Entering a crouching position does, of course, eliminate the possibility of being heard when moving through built-up areas, which can also stop you from being chased by a nearby monster.

The good news is, you will know when a monster is scouting the area, as a growl, screech, or demonic noise will echo through the area. If this happens, extinguish your match, enter a crouching position, and hug the walls until you’ve found a safer area to explore. Once the sounds have vanished, you will be safe to continue to the next section of the map.

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Stay In The Shade

The desert can be a cruel place, which you’ll come to learn as you spend several hours traversing its dunes and caves under the blistering heat.

It goes without saying that, failing to take the necessary precautions when exploring it can also lead you to an early grave. To avoid this, you will want to stick to the shade as much as possible. Once your anxiety levels have fallen, you will be able to move between shadows more freely.

There is, of course, a way to keep track of your temperature, though it’s best that you play the game with headphones to hear it properly. This is a crackling sound that gradually increases in volume as you spend more and more time in the desert. To play it safe, always move between the patches of shade.

Avoid Staring At Bodies

Like Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Rebirth also incorporates fear and anxiety levels, which can be exacerbated by looking at anything remotely distressing. For example, if a monster passes by, and you happen to catch a glimpse of it, you will automatically shudder and lose part of your vision. If not treated with Laudanum, you will soon find yourself blacking out, which will return you to a previous save point.

Of course, you’re bound to bump into your fair share of unsettling things when roaming about the tunnels and forts of Algeria. But, if you can learn to avert your eyes whenever something pops up, you should be able to keep a lid on your sanity. One of the biggest issues you’ll come to face is with death itself, which can cause Tasi to panic and lose some of her vision. If you do happen to spot a corpse anywhere in Rebirth, try to keep your eyes facing the ceiling as you pass by. And if your anxiety levels do plummet, aim to reach a well lit area or escape through to the nearest exit.

Check On Your Baby

The character you play as is pregnant, so if your anxiety levels are through the roof, and you’re just about ready to black out, be sure to check on your baby. Doing this will quickly decrease your fear and anxiety levels, and remove those unwanted thorns that obscure the borders of your screen.

Just be mindful of the place that you’re checking on your baby, as standing in complete darkness will not help you regain your composure. If possible, aim to stand near candlelight, or in an open doorway.

Another reason you should check on your baby is to help add context to a lot of the story. As speaking with your baby will open up various passages of dialogue, you will also be treated to some backstory. Therefore, if time is on your side, aim to spend a few moments talking to your baby in every new area you enter.

NEXT: Amnesia: Rebirth – All Endings Guide

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