5 Tips for choosing a Video Production Company

5 Tips for choosing a Video Production Company

Visual media is now an essential feature of any successful business. So, if you’re eager to take your company to the next level in 2023 and beyond, finding the right corporate video production services should be the top item on your agenda.

After all, 94% of firms who use video continue to do it throughout the foreseeable future while the number of businesses incorporating video for internal and external communications has dramatically increased over the past few years. Partnering with a professional video production company will save you time and money while simultaneously providing the highest quality content.

However, you need to have 100% confidence in corporate video production services. Take action with the following checklist and you won’t go far wrong.

#1. View Their List Of Services

When first hiring a corporate video production, your objective may focus solely on building an engaging video marketing campaign. However, it’s important to acknowledge that your requirements will probably evolve over time, especially as video continues to play an increasingly integral role in modern business. Consequently, then, you must partner with a production company that is equipped to handle your future briefs.

For starters, your marketing video requirements could include everything from product promotional videos to animated explainer videos or customer testimonial videos. Moreover, you could benefit from recruitment video production, staff training videos, and other content for internal communications.

Make a list of the services that you need now and suspect that could be needed in the future. This info can then be checked against the video production company’s services to confirm long-term suitability.

#2. Ask To See Their Showreel

Anyone can talk a good game, but seeing is believing. If a company is not happy to show you its showreel or examples of what they’ve produced for other clients, it should be seen as a major red flag.

A showreel provides quick insight into the type of corporate video production services that can be offered. However, you should also look for further details on a project that is similar to yours. As well as seeing the videos themselves, you should ask for evidence of how the production company helped its client. After all, you need results. If the video production company can prove they increased a client’s sales by 40%, for example, that’s great!

Studies show that 81% of marketers feel video has a positive impact on sales while the success of video can also be seen by other metrics, such as increased user understanding or increased employee engagement. If a video production company has a solid track record of delivering great results, you can hire them with confidence.

#3. Look At Affordability & Timeframes

Corporate video production services need to be the right match for your business. The production value of the content, as well as the company’s ability to tell your brand’s story, will play a telling role. However, it’s equally crucial to confirm that the production team is a good fit in relation to your budget and schedules.

There is no point in spending £1m on videos for a small local business that only intends to make £500,000 in sales per year. Therefore, learning to set your video production budget is essential. If you plan to use professional video production services for marketing, training, and other features, you can complete a full breakdown. The insight gained here will instantly narrow your search for a professional company.

On a side note, you must find a company that has a track record of meeting deadlines. Missing the product launch date or waiting months for a recruitment video simply won’t do. Time is money, and you must not forget it.

#4. Research Videos You Like

Whether intended for marketing or internal communications, all corporate videos should be personalised to your company. Nonetheless, there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from others and connecting with a video company that already produces corporate videos that you love.

Perhaps a friend’s company recently enjoyed an effective video campaign or a non-competitor has caught your attention with their videos. If so, you can ask them for a recommendation. Alternatively, if you’ve seen video projects online that are similar to the type of content you’d love, this could be the first step to finding your dream video production partner.

When cross-referenced against client reviews and the company’s experience, you should get a fairly clear image of what they are about. If it seems the right fit for your company, it could be a match made in heaven.

#5. Book A Consultation

It’s great to find a video production company that makes all the right noises. However, your gut instincts will go a long way to helping you find the best corporate video production services too. Arranging to meet the team – either in person or via video call – is vital. It allows you to have your key questions answered and confirm that you will share a strong rapport.

MHF Creative, will deliver tailored services and will work with clients to achieve stunning results time and time again. Contact them to see what we can do for your company today.




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