20 Comms Pros Share Key Networking Tips For New PR Professionals

20 Comms Pros Share Key Networking Tips For New PR Professionals

A great deal of on-the-job training takes place when you first enter the public relations field. As a brand-new PR professional, if you have never attended a corporate networking event before, for example, it’s key to adequately prepare before your first one, as how you are perceived by industry leaders and peers can present both opportunities and challenges in the future.

It may not be possible to avoid every potential misstep at your first networking event, and making mistakes is part of the process of building expertise; however, learning some important basics from seasoned networkers can help you make the most of it. Read the tips from 20 members of Forbes Communications Council below to get yourself up to speed in advance.

1. Research The Event, Attendees And Topics

Never underestimate the value of genuine engagement and preparation! Research the event, attendees and potential topics for discussion. This is crucial in cultivating authentic connections with the right people. Listen carefully, respond truthfully and be prepared to talk about yourself and your company without it feeling like a hard pitch. Finally, always send out personalized follow-ups after the event. – Aimee Trusler, Conexio Group

2. Listen More Than You Speak

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” This old adage from Epictetus still holds true. At any work function, it’s important to ensure you listen actively and ask good questions—at least twice as much as you talk about yourself, and even more so if it’s your first networking event. – Elizabeth Duffy, Astraea

3. Remember That First Impressions Matter

When going to your first corporate networking event, remember that first impressions matter, and the best sale is a non-sell. Building genuine connections will get you more business than your best pitch in the long run. – Jill Roberson, Velir

4. Have A Career Path Mapped Out

Have a path mapped out for yourself and your career, even if it’s just an idea at this moment in time. A young professional with a potential path is much easier to help guide and influence than someone who doesn’t know what they want to do with their career. – Drew Cashmore, Firework

5. Keep The Business Objective In Mind

I think it is important to keep the business objective in mind and apply that lens to PR. While networking, attendee participation is important, so it is critical to remember the business strategy behind the “why” of an event. – Rashmi Bijai, OnBoard

Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?

6. Set A Goal For The Event

I recommend making a plan before attending your first corporate networking event. Usually, I go to an event with the goal of speaking to 10 people and will stay as long as I need to in order to have 10 meaningful conversations. Attending an event with a friend is incredibly appealing, but you may be better off attending alone in order to make the most of the networking opportunity. – Layla Kasha, Grocery Outlet

7. Remember Who You Represent

It’s important for a new PR professional to remember that they represent their company and their clients. The first networking event can seem glamorous, with glitzy people, music and plenty of food and libations. It’s easy to let your guard down. The reality is, this is the job. Professionalism, courtesy and a helpful, can-do attitude are key to making a lasting positive first impression. – Monica Kumar, Hitachi Vantara

8. Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Making two or three great connections trumps having a short conversation with everyone in the room. Have genuine conversations (not sales pitches) with the people you meet. Learn more about them both professionally and personally. Make those real connections, and this will pay dividends in terms of a stronger network in the future. – Tom Treanor, Snipp Interactive

9. Know Who’s Attending, And Bring Business Cards

Do your homework about who will be there, and bring your business cards. It’s so important to enter any networking opportunity with a clear understanding of who is there and what types of conversations you can partake in. While making great connections is key to starting off on the right foot, you need ways to follow up afterward—especially with those who would be great to know in your career! – Victoria Zelefsky, The Menkiti Group

10. Have Your 30-Second Elevator Pitch Ready

At any networking event, be ready with your 30-second elevator pitch about you, and have three to four questions ready to facilitate conversation so that others can easily share their expertise. This enables you to find conversational connections. In today’s world, make sure you bring business cards and your mobile phone. Add yourself to your own mobile contacts so that you can share your mobile business card with ease. – Kimberly Osborne, UNC Greensboro

11. Identify Shared Interests And Goals

Networking isn’t solely about self-promotion—it’s about fostering meaningful connections. Do your research beforehand to understand who will be at the event and why they might be valuable contacts. You can engage more purposefully by identifying shared interests or goals and creating lasting professional relationships. – Ryan Becnel, Energea

12. Remember Key Details From Conversations

When engaging in conversations at the event, ensure you’re actively listening to the new people you meet. Make an impression by showing genuine interest in what they’re saying, asking thoughtful questions and providing relevant input. Remember key details from these conversations so that you can follow up on them later to strengthen your connections and open doors for future opportunities. – Anthony Kennedy, ION

13. Think About How You Can Help Others

Leaders like to hang out with people who make them think about what’s next. Always think of what you can give to another person. Can you partner with them to write a column? Could you interview them for a podcast? Could you link them up with another influencer? Ask yourself how you can help others each time, and you will build a great network. – Bob Pearson, The Bliss Group

14. If You Drink, Take It Slow

Networking is hard work, especially if you lean more toward being introverted. While it’s tempting to want to take the edge off with a drink, it’s easy for one or two drinks to turn into four or five. Find your comfort zone, and take it slow. You want people to remember you for the engaging conversation you had—not for your actions while intoxicated. – Tiffany Staples, Celebrus

15. Link Up With One New Person

Take the awkwardness out of it by focusing on listening to, learning from and linking up with one new person. Listen actively and with authenticity to spark engagement that will lead to meaningful connections. Show a sincere willingness to connect with and listen to others as a learning opportunity. Harness the power of new connections and network allies with personalized follow-ups. – Stephanie Lewis, Drop Hat Productions

16. Find Polite Ways To Move On To The Next Conversation

In unfamiliar situations, it can be easier to chat with one person. Ripping off the Band-Aid and finding polite ways to move on to the next person or group will help you get the most out of the event. One trick is to introduce the person you’re chatting with to another so that you can politely move on. Also, limit alcohol. You want to be sharp and remember conversations and connections the next day. – Jessica Abel, G7 Entertainment Marketing

17. Aim To Meet Three To Five People

Networking events are always awkward at first. Trust that everyone attending is like-minded, and set a goal to engage with and meet three to five people. Many of these events will include alcohol, so one piece of advice would be to limit your consumption and just be yourself. – Ahmad Daher, Envijo

18. Ensure Your Body Language Is Open And Welcoming

Body language speaks volumes, so ensure yours is open and welcoming—avoid crossing your arms or pulling out your phone when you feel awkward (which we all do). If you’re introverted, this can encourage others to approach you. Confidence is also key. Find an outfit that makes you feel great, amp yourself up with some good music and go conquer the room. Your vibe can be a powerful magnet! – Brittany Garlin, Vista Social

19. Have Your Talking Points Ready

To avoid missteps, have your talking points ready. Be prepared to discuss your experience and stay up to date with the latest news. In my industry, there are always breaking stories, new data or trends in e-commerce fraud and payments that make for interesting points of conversation. People love learning new things, so sharing memorable insights is a great way to make an impression. – Maya Barkay, EverC

20. Relax And Be Genuinely Interested In Others

Know that true networking is about building relationships and choosing to serve others, rather than some personal agenda. True relationships take time and patience to nurture. The best advice, therefore, is to relax and be genuinely interested in others. The more you listen, the more you will learn—and soon people will be listening to you. – Gary Brandon, Lewis Communications

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