16 Ways To Ensure Prospective Employees Really See Your Tech Team’s Positive Culture

16 Ways To Ensure Prospective Employees Really See Your Tech Team’s Positive Culture

Professionals are assessing a potential employer’s culture just as much as its benefits package these days, and companies must focus on their employer branding and marketing to attract top talent. Current and potential employees will consider a company’s culture closely, looking at everything from growth potential to team bonding to mission and vision.

Because of this, a company would do well to pinpoint and highlight the strong points of its culture and showcase them when meeting with candidates. This is especially crucial for tech departments, which may be competing with industry giants such as Google and Microsoft for the cream of the crop. Below, 16 members of Forbes Technology Council offer some tips for showing off—not just talking about—the great workplace you can offer.

1. Work To Achieve IT Maturity

To attract and retain top talent, focus on achieving IT maturity. Adopt tech that supports continuous improvement and allows your team to be agile in responding to change while managing complexity across the environment. Automate routine business processes that constrain resource capacity and prevent employees from applying their skills to drive innovation and support company objectives. – Paul Deur, ReadyWorks

2. Present Clear Career Maps

Step one is knowing your audience. Tech workers today are highly intelligent, socially conscious and often self-taught (even if they have fancy Ivy League degrees). Demonstrate that you care about their professional growth with clear prospective career maps and professional education opportunities. Showcase your company culture through evidence-based, peer-led content to stand out. – Rohan Roger, Optistar

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3. Share The Benefits Of An Innovative Culture

Our team and customer credo has long been “cybersecurity is a culture, not a product.” Our staff members are shareholders, so they have a vested interest in working together and reaping the benefits. We welcome everyone innovating, and we celebrate everyone’s success. That carries over to collaborating with customers as a team and seeing the bigger picture for solutions, not just a collection of products. – David Jemmett, Cerberus Sentinel

4. Showcase Innovations And New Initiatives

Highlight the timeline of innovation that has been adopted at the organization as well as the new initiatives on the horizon. This will show prospective employees that they will be able to grow their skills and career with the organization. Emphasize the team environment that was leveraged to accomplish these goals. – Neil Parekh, GoForward Consulting

5. Discuss Each Employee’s Ability To Make An Impact

Every person in the hiring process, including recruiters, managers and executives, has a responsibility to communicate to the potential employee their ability to make an impact in the organization. Whether it be a software developer’s freedom to innovate or an analyst’s insight driving change in the organization, IT professionals make magic happen. Invite your candidates to participate in the magic. – Alex Waddell, Adobe Care and Wellness

6. Share The Causes You Support On Social Media

It’s not about what you showcase to a prospective employee—it’s what you actually do both for your employees and the community around you. On social media, promote the causes you support and the ways you engage your employees. A smart prospect will be following your social media channels and will see the impact you are having both on your employees and the community. – Rohana Meade, Synergy Technical

7. Focus On Sustainable Operations And Your Impact On The Community

Workers today are looking to make a direct impact in their community and the world. Keeping a focus on sustainable operations, being able to credibly demonstrate actionable impact through efforts on health equity and providing an opportunity for every employee to see their impact in the field has been an important aspect that we highlight to current and potential employees. – Rashmi Rao, Philips

8. Highlight Your Commitment To Employees’ Well-Being

A flexible environment with a focus on employee well-being is attractive to talent. Most tech departments are overworked sweatshops with zero work-life balance. I know I would like to work in a relaxed, non-stressful environment where team members aren’t asked to bend the laws of physics on a daily basis. – Bhushan Parikh, Get Digital Velocity, LLC

9. Reinforce Work-Life Harmony

Our message is less about work-life balance and more about work-life harmony. I strive to ensure each individual is able to achieve both their professional and personal goals. When you trust employees and set measurable goals and achievements, everyone is on the same page. Just as in life, there have to be positive and negative experiences from the outcomes of their decisions. Harmony means happiness. – Tom Roberto, Core Technology Solutions

10. Amplify Employee Voices

There’s no better way to showcase your culture than by amplifying employees’ voices. Empowering them to tell their stories—such as how they got to your company and what brings them joy in their roles—and amplifying those stories on your blog and careers website is the best way to show candidates what it’s actually like to work at your company. Peer proof is invaluable in today’s talent acquisition process. – Shannon Goggin, Noyo

11. Let Candidates Meet Current Team Members

Let job candidates meet as many members of the team as possible. Tech teammates and candidates tend to be very open and honest, especially with each other. No amount of PR or “work” on the culture can be as powerful as meeting your future teammates and counterparts, spending time with them and getting their honest and open “scoop” on what it is really like working in the team. – Maria Scott, TAINA Technology

12. Show Off The Results Of Self-Investment

Whether in person or through video interviews or blog posts, you need to show the results of the investments that the team makes in itself. Hackathons, open-source projects or even social events all have outputs that can be shared with candidates to give them an idea of the culture within the walls of the business. A company that invests in its employees, in any way, can really set itself apart. – Luke Wallace, Bottle Rocket

13. Invite Top Candidates To Spend A Day With The Team

If you work in an office, you can invite short-listed candidates to spend a day in the development team area to experience firsthand how your tech team works together and how individual team members cooperate with each other. No words, descriptions or claims can replace a firsthand experience in which potential employees see for themselves how things actually are. – Peter Abualzolof, Mashvisor

14. Train Your Recruiting Team The Same Way You Train The Sales Team

Employee recruitment is always a sales process. We provide our recruiting team with the same tools and training that our sales team has, as we need to always showcase and explain our purpose. Further, word of mouth and our team’s social networks are key; this is how our team members really show what they think about us. Also, we let candidates speak with our team members freely. That is the best way to really “sell” what we are about. – Martin Bouza, arionkoder

15. Encourage Your Team Members To Publish Thought Leadership

A great way to showcase your tech department as a positive place to work to prospective new employees is to constantly encourage your team to develop thought leadership pieces and post them on professional social media platforms such as LinkedIn. This is a very public way to display your team’s strategies and deep knowledge of technology. – Mark Schlesinger, Broadridge Financial Solutions

16. Continue Your Efforts Throughout The Onboarding Phase

At the early recruitment stage, you are building your image as a future employer. Onboarding is the next crucial phase. Do you use modern tools, such as gamification elements, to make the whole process pleasant, logical and as fast as possible? Is an introduction to your company a promise of a good and long-term relationship where both sides are respectful partners? – Robert Strzelecki, TenderHut

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