15 Fundamental Tips For The Modern Salesperson

15 Fundamental Tips For The Modern Salesperson

The modern salesperson does so much more than just close sales. Success in today’s sales environment is all about having a transparent strategy and strong pitch to gain your client’s trust. It’s about building ongoing relationships, doing your research and personalizing the client experience based on the data you have.

That’s why salespeople today need a different playbook and set of best practices than the ones sales teams relied on a decade or two ago. To help budding sales professionals thrive, 15 experts from Forbes Coaches Council shared the most important pieces of advice modern salespeople need to hear.

1. Think Relationally

A salesperson needs to think relationally instead of transactionally, as selling is now a journey, not an action. A market is no longer a place for selling; it is where you help your customer achieve their goals conveniently and with positive emotion. They will spread the word, and then it sells itself. Customers will also spread the bad experiences you create. Then, no matter how good your skills are, you won’t be able to make sales. – Duong Nguyen, CEMpartner

2. Always Add Value

Add value with every transaction. Potential customers need to trust you to buy from you. If you provide value when interacting with them, that will build trust. However, it is important to walk the line here. Too little value, and customers don’t trust you; too much value given for free, and they don’t have a reason to buy from you anymore. – Rajeev Shroff, Cupela Consulting

3. Understand Prospects As Human Beings First

It’s not about you or your product. Every moment you spend with prospects should be focused on understanding them first as human beings, and then as buyers. Before you even fix your lips to pitch your product, you should be very clear on how your products can help solve their pain points. Sales are simply a byproduct of the value you delivered first. – Yunche Wilson, SolomonBell Consulting

4. Listen To Your Customers

Two ears, one mouth. When you listen to your customers and clients, they will not only tell you what they need, but also how to solve their problems. Then, solve it. – Kate Peters, Bright Voyage Leadership

5. Invest In Self-Awareness

Invest in a journey of self-discovery. A deeper awareness of self allows you to remain in congruence with your values and beliefs. When one’s integrity is experienced by clients, they are more willing to reveal important information about themselves and their company. This allows you to see what is often not spoken about their real versus perceived needs and aspirations for the future they desire. – Angela Cusack, Igniting Success

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6. Ask Great Questions

Any modern sales professional should be putting their time toward asking questions and listening. These skills were valuable 1,000 years ago, and they will still be valuable 1,000 years from now. Curiosity is the spark for great questions, and questions beget empathy and authentic interest in other people. On that foundation, a sales professional is well-positioned to build trusting relationships and find success. – Jim Vaselopulos, Rafti Advisors, LLC

7. Be Your Authentic Self

There is no one that can sell your product or service more authentically than you. When “selling,” you are showcasing who you are to potential clients. Clients gravitate to connection, and they look beyond a solution when choosing to invest their time and money into a business. The relationship you cultivate and foster with yourself and your clients will be your successful sales strategy. – Reena Khullar Sharma, Agilis Executive Consulting

8. Let The Client Sell You

Let the client sell you versus you selling them. Ask about their pain and challenges. Ask about their dreams and goals. Ask how the client’s life will be different once they achieve their dream. Allow them to see how wide the gap is between their pain and their dream. Ask what it’s really costing them not to solve their pain. Share your solution, which is the bridge between their pain and their dream. – Betty Kempa, Betty Kempa | Business Coach

9. Develop Your Capacity For Empathy

The best advice for a modern salesperson is to know precisely how to listen to customers. The great sellers are those who have an extreme ability to listen and the empathic capacity to understand the client’s needs firsthand, and are thus able to satisfy them in the most professional way – José Luís González Rodriguez, ActionCOACH

10. Make The Sale About Your Prospect

In today’s salesforce, it is the duty of every salesperson and sales manager to make the sales experience about the customers. Managers must encourage their salespeople to consider the interests of the customers before making the sale by exploring how the product or service benefits the customers before the sale is finalized. – Abraham Khoureis, Dr. Abraham Khoureis

11. Let Clients Convince Themselves

Your job is not to convince the clients. Your job is to let the clients convince themselves. Educate, give value and tell stories. Whatever you do, build a logical sequence and connect with clients at just the right level. You have to listen to know the level to pitch to, and you can build it up logically from there so that clients will be convincing themselves that you are the answer at every step. – Chuen Chuen Yeo, ACESENCE

12. Be The CEO Of Your Own Career

Run your job as if it was your own business! Be the CEO and COO of your own job. Any person in a sales position should have an executable strategic plan, just as a company would. They should have a mission, purpose, values and vision aligned with their company. They should have long-term goals, annual objectives, quarterly initiatives and daily actions that meet their vision. – John Knotts, Crosscutter Enterprises

13. Become A Subject Matter Expert

You must commit to being a subject matter expert and not just a promoter. To become a better salesperson, you need to be a big fan of what you represent; but today you must also become acquainted with your product in more technical ways. Clients will test you on your attention to detail, not your loud delight. Participate in tech briefings, accompany your tech groups and know your products and services. – John M. O’Connor, Career Pro Inc.

14. Know Your Product Inside And Out

The advice that I will give is that most modern buyers will have completed research into a product and, depending on the product, may know more than an average salesperson. So make sure you not only know the ins and outs of the product, but also understand the customer’s pains and how your product can help relieve them. Remember, it’s also relational, not transactional, in big-ticket sales. – Andrew Constable, Visualise Solutions

15. Think Of ‘Sales’ As Problem-Solving Conversations

Start thinking about “sales” as simply having a conversation to determine whether you can solve the problem of the person you’re speaking to. No one wants to be sold to nowadays. The best and easiest sales conversations feel as if I’m catching up with a good friend and providing a solution for a need they are experiencing. – Bri Seeley, The Unapologetic Entrepreneur

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