#STOPTrackTragedies: Rail Trespass Dangers, Safety Tips & RISC Training

#STOPTrackTragedies: Rail Trespass Dangers, Safety Tips & RISC Training

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI)
(Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI))

A new public service announcement (PSA) has been launched by Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), the national nonprofit rail safety education organization, that highlights how rail trespass incidents have lasting impressions on rail employees.

The PSA is part of an ongoing #STOPTrackTragedies campaign, made in partnership with Metra, the commuter railroad serving the Chicago metro area, featuring videos outlining the personal stories of people directly affected by rail crossing or trespassing incidents.

The new PSA shares the story of Maurice Taylor, a veteran Metra locomotive engineer, who was involved in an incident with a trespasser while operating his train.

(Maurice Taylor, a veteran locomotive engineer, tells his story about a rail trespassing incident. Stay off, stay away, stay safe. Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver and Vimeo.)

Rachel Maleh, Executive Director at Operation Lifesaver, Inc.
Rachel Maleh, Executive Director at Operation Lifesaver, Inc.

“Our newest #STOPTrack-Tragedies PSA, featuring Maurice Taylor, offers the important perspective of railroad locomotive engineers and other crew members regarding rail trespassing incidents, and shows why Operation Lifesaver tells people to ‘stay off, stay away, stay safe,’” explains Director Rachel Maleh, Executive Director at Operation Lifesaver, Inc.

“We are grateful to Maurice for sharing his story and to the FTA and Metra for their ongoing partnership.”

“Know the facts. Make good decisions. Take the Rail Safety Pledge and share the rail safety message. Together, we can stop track tragedies.”

Jim Derwinski, the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Metra
Jim Derwinski, the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Metra

“That’s why Metra and Operation Lifesaver’s longstanding partnership in rail safety education is so important, and why Metra is proud that one of our employees is playing such a central role in communicating the importance of staying safe by staying off the tracks.”

(Nick Sayer shares a lifesaving message for commuter rail and rail transit riders: always stay focused at commuter rail and rail transit stations and facilities.Stay off, stay away, stay safe. Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver and Vimeo.)


Together, we can #STOPTrack-Tragedies.

Rail Safety Week is a collaborative effort among Operation Lifesaver, Inc., state Operation Lifesaver programs, and rail safety partners across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI)
Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI)

Federal statistics show that stakeholders have helped to reduce the number of train/motor vehicle collisions from a 1972 high of roughly 12,000 annual incidents to approximately 2,200 incidents in 2019, however, every incident is one too many for the victims, operators, and families of those affected so it would benefit all of us to know and observe track safety basics.

  1. Freight trains don’t travel at fixed times, and schedules for passenger trains often change. Always expect a train at each highway-rail intersection at any time.

  2. All train tracks are private property. Never walk on tracks; it’s illegal to trespass and highly dangerous. It takes the average freight train traveling at 55 mph more than a mile—the length of 18 football fields—to stop. Trains cannot stop quickly enough to avoid a collision.

  3. The average locomotive weighs about 400,000 pounds or 200 tons; it can weigh up to 6,000 tons. This makes the weight ratio of a car to a train proportional to that of a soda can to a car. We all know what happens to a soda can hit by a car.

  4. Trains have the right of way 100% of the time over emergency vehicles, cars, the police, and pedestrians.

  5. A train can extend three feet or more beyond the steel rail, putting the safety zone for pedestrians well beyond the three-foot mark. If there are rails on the railroad ties, always assume the track is in use, even if there are weeds or the track looks unused.

  6. Trains can move in either direction at any time. Sometimes its cars are pushed by locomotives instead of being pulled, which is especially true in commuter and light rail passenger services.

  7. Today’s trains are quieter than ever, producing no telltale “clackety-clack.” Any approaching train is always closer and moving faster than you think.

  8. Remember to cross train tracks ONLY at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings, and obey all warning signs and signals posted there.

  9. Stay alert around railroad tracks. Refrain from texting, using headphones, or other distractions that would prevent you from hearing an approaching train; never mix rails and recreation.

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI)

(Operation Lifesaver, Inc. shares safety tips for transit riders, drivers and pedestrians to stay safe on and near public transit systems.

  • Always expect a train. Trains are quieter and faster than you think, can run on any track, at any time, from either direction, and do not run on schedules.

  • Walking on or beside railroad tracks is illegal.

  • The only safe place to cross tracks is at designated public crossings with a crossbuck, flashing red lights, or a gate. Crossing anywhere else is illegal.

  • Crossing tracks on a bike, with a stroller, in a wheelchair, or on other narrow wheels requires caution and extra attention. Plan ahead when choosing a route. When possible, walk, don’t ride across the tracks. Cyclists, walk your bike across train tracks at a 90-degree angle. If in a wheelchair, consider getting assistance or taking an alternate route.

  • Never pass flashing lights or go around lowered gates. Always wait until lights have stopped flashing and gates are completely raised.

  • Wait to cross until you can see clearly in both directions. Multiple tracks may mean multiple trains.

  • Stay off railroad bridges and trestles. Stay out of railroad tunnels. There is ONLY ROOM for the train.

  • Do not attempt to hop aboard railroad equipment at any time. Trains, tracks, and railroad yards are NOT playgrounds. Never climb on, under, or through railroad cars. Never jump on or off a train while it’s moving.

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI)

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc.
Together, we can #STOPTrack-Tragedies.

Cross legally and safely. Know the facts. Make good decisions.

  • Trains and cars don’t mix.

  • The train you see is closer and faster-moving than you think.

  • Be aware that trains cannot stop quickly.

  • Never drive around lowered gates — it’s illegal and deadly.

  • Do not get trapped on the tracks; proceed through a highway-rail grade crossing only if you are sure you can completely clear the crossing without stopping.

  • If your vehicle ever stalls on the tracks, get out and get away from the tracks, even if you do not see a train. Locate the Emergency Notification System sign and call the number provided, telling them about the stalled vehicle.

  • At a multiple-track crossing waiting for a train to pass, watch out for a second train on the other tracks, approaching from either direction.

  • When you need to cross train tracks, go to a designated crossing, look both ways, and cross the tracks quickly, without stopping. Remember it isn’t safe to stop closer than 15 feet from a rail.

  • ALWAYS EXPECT A TRAIN! Freight trains do not follow set schedules.

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI)

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc.
In Jan 2022, Amtrak unveiled a newly-painted locomotive in honor of the 50th anniversary of Operation Lifesaver to raise awareness of railroad safety. The specially painted locomotive travels across the Amtrak national network featuring this important rail safety reminder. (Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc. (OLI)

Contact your state coordinator to schedule a free highway-rail safety presentation. Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteers may be available to speak in school classrooms, with scouting and community service groups, to driver education students and for company safety programs.

Join the many dedicated volunteers across the country who are trained to deliver our rail safety messages. For information, click on become an Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer, call us at 703-739-0309 or contact your OL state coordinator.

For more information regarding near-miss incidents on the tracks, visit oli.org/passenger-rail-safety.

(Influencers and Photographers, make safety a clear priority. Stay off, stay away, stay safe. Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver and Vimeo.)

Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit public safety education and awareness organization dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities, and injuries at highway-rail crossings and preventing trespassing on or near railroad tracks.

In 1986 the non-profit Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) national office was created to help support and coordinate efforts of state Operation Lifesaver programs, saving lives by sharing rail safety messages with audiences across the U.S. and beyond.

OLI programs are active in 47 states and the District of Columbia. A national network of trained volunteers gives free rail safety presentations encouraging safe behavior near tracks and trains.

OLI’s free Railroad Investigation and Safety Course (RISC) provides critical information for first responders when managing incidents around tracks and trains.

Operation Lifesaver’s Railroad Investigation and Safety Course (RISC), was developed for the North American law enforcement and first responder community by the nation’s railroad police and Operation Lifesaver, Inc.

RISC prepares first responders to use the proper safety techniques while investigating or responding to a grade crossing collision or trespasser incident, in addition to maintaining on-scene safety unique to the railroad environment.

If railroad tracks run through your community, first responders could become involved in responding to a highway-rail grade crossing incident. This course provides critical information allowing first responders to respond to and investigate incidents involving the railroad effectively and safely.

Courtesy of Operation Lifesaver Inc.Operation Lifesaver’s RISC Course is offered at the Basic (1-hour), Intermediate (2-hour), and Advanced (4-hour) levels. Training is available at no cost to help officers and first responders more effectively and safely manage such incidents.

This course is geared towards law enforcement and first responders, teaching them how to be safe on and around railroad tracks while they are investigating an incident.

To Learn More, download the RISC Flyer, email RISC@oli.org, or Sign Up to schedule free RISC Training Today!

2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon (starting front row, left to right) SIMS Software President & CEO Michael Struttmann; TENEO Risk Advisory Executive Chairman Commissioner Bill Bratton; NEC National Security Systems President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan; TSA Administrator David Pekoske; Fortior Solutions General Counsel Katherine Cowan; NEC Corporation of America Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Raffie Beroukhim; TENEO Risk Advisory Chief of Staff David Cagno; Infragard National Board Member Doug Farber, Lumina Analytics Co-Founder & Chairman Allan Martin, and AMAROK Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Mike Dorrington.
2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon (starting front row, left to right) SIMS Software President & CEO Michael Struttmann; TENEO Risk Advisory Executive Chairman Commissioner Bill Bratton; NEC National Security Systems President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan; TSA Administrator David Pekoske; Fortior Solutions General Counsel Katherine Cowan; NEC Corporation of America Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Raffie Beroukhim; TENEO Risk Advisory Chief of Staff David Cagno; Infragard National Board Member Doug Farber, Lumina Analytics Co-Founder & Chairman Allan Martin, and AMAROK Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Mike Dorrington.

American Security Today’s Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards is the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program, and now in its Seventh Year, recognizes industry leaders of Physical and Border Security, Cybersecurity, Emergency Preparedness – Management and Response, Law Enforcement, First Responders, as well as federal, state and municipal government agencies in the acknowledgment of their outstanding efforts to Keep our Nation Secure.

Access Control/ Identification Personal/Protective Equipment Law Enforcement Counter Terrorism
Perimeter Barrier/ Deterrent System Interagency Interdiction Operation Cloud Computing/Storage Solution
Facial/IRIS Recognition Body Worn Video Product Cyber Security
Video Surveillance/VMS Mobile Technology Anti-Malware
Audio Analytics Disaster Preparedness ID Management
Thermal/Infrared Camera Mass Notification System Fire & Safety
Metal/Weapon Detection Rescue Operations Critical Infrastructure
License Plate Recognition Detection Products COVID Innovations
Workforce Management Government Security Programs And Many Others to Choose From!

Submit your category recommendation for consideration to Michael Madsen, AST Publisher, at: mmadsen@americansecuritytoday.com.

The pinnacle of the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program is the Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheonan exclusive, affordable, gourmet, full-course plated meal event, in the heart of New York City, held at the International Security Conference & Exposition (ISC East) since it’s inception in 2017.

In a typical year, DEAC Sabatino oversees the facilitation of legitimate travel for more than 410 million travelers in the air, land, and maritime environments.
In a typical year, CBP OFO DEAC Sabatino oversees the facilitation of legitimate travel for more than 410 million travelers in the air, land, and maritime environments.

And who better to address the aforementioned challenges, and initiatives to meet today’s threat landscape than Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner (DEAC) Diane J. Sabatino of the Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the opening keynote speaker at the much-anticipated 2022 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon, on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.

(Hear a recent interview with Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner (DEAC) Diane J. Sabatino held at Identity Week Europe on leveraging biometric comparison technology in U.S. air, maritime, and land border environments for the security of passengers, enhancing the customer experience and limiting the transmission of biological pathogens while respecting personal privacies and educating the public as the CBP further expands the implementation of biometrics to keep up with threats to the aviation and other border sectors. These new technological tools are there to automate administrative functions so that the most valuable component of the process, the officers, are able to focus on critical issues as they arise. Courtesy of evie kim sing and YouTube. Posted on Jul 13, 2022.)

Enter, American Security Today, the #1 publication and media platform in the Government Security and Homeland Security fields with a circulation of over 75,000 readers and many tens of thousands more visiting our AST Website at www.americansecuritytoday.com each month.

The continually evolving ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program will emphasize the trail of Accomplished Women in Leadership in 2022, as well as the Significance and Positive Impact of Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in our Next Generation of Government and Industry Leaders. #MentorshipMatters

Thomas Richardson, FDNY Chief of Department; Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, President of NEC National Security Systems; and Richard Blatus, FDNY Assistant Chief of Operations at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC East.
AST Honors Thomas Richardson, FDNY Chief of Department; Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, President of NEC National Security Systems; and Richard Blatus, FDNY Assistant Chief of Operations, at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC East.

The United States forever changed on September 11th, 2001, and we were fortunate to have many of those who responded to those horrific tragedies join us at our 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon.

Our keynote speaker TSA Administrator David Pekoske delivered a moving and timely address on the strategic priorities of the 64,000 member TSA workforce in securing the transportation system, enabling safe, and in many cases, contactless travel, and more (Be sure to see Interview.)
TSA Administrator David Pekoske addressing attendees at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon in New York City on November 17, 2021. (Be sure to see AST Exclusive Interview, facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan HERE.)

Our 2021 keynote speaker featured a moving and informative address from TSA Administrator and Vice-Admiral of the United States Coast Guard (Ret), David Pekoske; to our attendees who traveled from across the United States and abroad, on the strategic priorities of the 64,000-member TSA workforce in securing the transportation system, enabling safe, and in many cases, contactless travel.

Commissioner Bill Bratton signing copies of his latest work, ‘The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America,’ at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon. (Be sure to see AST Exclusive Interview with Comm Bratton, facilitated by Dr. Kathleen Kiernan HERE.)

In 2021 over 200 distinguished guests representing Federal, State, and Local Governments, and Industry Leading Corporate Firms gathered from across North America, Europe, and the Middle East to be honored among their peers in their respective fields, which included:

Team TSA
Honoring the 20th anniversary of the Transportation Security Administration (Team TSA at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon.)
NCDMPH (Dr. Goolsby second from left), and American Red Cross Members accept 'Excellence in Public Safety' Awards at 2021 'ASTORS' Luncheon
NCDMPH (Dr. Goolsby second from left), and American Red Cross Members accept an ‘Excellence in Public Safety’ Awards at 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Luncheon
2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon (starting front row, left to right) SIMS Software President & CEO Michael Struttmann; TENEO Risk Advisory Executive Chairman Commissioner Bill Bratton; NEC National Security Systems President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan; TSA Administrator David Pekoske; Fortior Solutions General Counsel Katherine Cowan; NEC Corporation of America Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Raffie Beroukhim; TENEO Risk Advisory Chief of Staff David Cagno; Infragard National Board Member Doug Farber, Lumina Analytics Co-Founder & Chairman Allan Martin, and AMAROK Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Mike Dorrington.
2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon (starting front row, left to right) SIMS Software President & CEO Michael Struttmann; TENEO Risk Advisory Executive Chairman Commissioner Bill Bratton; NEC National Security Systems President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan; TSA Administrator David Pekoske; Fortior Solutions General Counsel Katherine Cowan; NEC Corporation of America Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer Raffie Beroukhim; TENEO Risk Advisory Chief of Staff David Cagno; Infragard National Board Member Doug Farber, Lumina Analytics Co-Founder & Chairman Allan Martin, and AMAROK Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing Mike Dorrington.

Each year, in order to keep our communities safe and secure, security dealers, installers, integrators, and consultants, along with corporate, government and law enforcement/first responder practitioners, convene in New York City to network, learn and evaluate the latest technologies and solutions from premier exhibiting brands.

Representing NEC at the 2021 'ASTORS' Awards Luncheon -Stacey Brown, SVP Raffie Beroukhim, Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, 2021 'ASTORS' Industry Leader of the Year; Christopher Gillyard, Rachel Sisk, and Frank Sangiorg
Representing NEC Corporation at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC in New York City – NEC Director of Marketing Stacey Brown, NEC Senior Vice President Raffie Beroukhim, NEC NSS President Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Extraordinary Industry Leadership & Innovation Person of the Year; NEC NSS Regional Sales Director Chris Gillyard, NEC NSS Executive Assistant Rachel Sisk, and NEC Regional Sales Director Frank Sangiorgi

This combination of one-on-one conversations with top innovators, high-quality special events, and cutting-edge education and training, make ISC East the most comprehensive East Coast event to guide the industry in getting back to business.

Taking place November 15-17 at the Javits Center in NYC (SIA Education@ISC: November 15-17 | Exhibit Hall: November 16-17), ISC East will be co-locating again with the Natural Disaster & Emergency Management Expo (NDEM EXPO), a comprehensive trade event and online resource dedicated to the preparation, response, and recovery of physical and human assets of public and private organizations. Qualified professionals who register for ISC East will be granted access to both events.

Corporate firms, the majority of which return year to year to build upon their Legacy of Wins include:

AlertMedia, Allied Universal, AMAROK, ATI Systems, Attivo Networks, Axis Communications, Automatic Systems of America, BriefCam, Canon U.S.A., Fortior Solutions, guardDog.ai, Hanwha Techwin of America, HID Global, Mark43, IPVideo Corporation, Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Lumina Analytics, NEC National Security Systems, NICE Public Safety, OnSolve, PureTech Systems, Quantum Corporation, Rave Mobile Safety, Regroup Mass Notification, Robotic Assistance Devices, Rajant Corporation, SafeLogicSenstar Corporation, ShotSpotter, Singlewire Software, SolarWinds Worldwide, Teledyne FLIR, Valor Systems, and Wiresecure, just to name a few!

Team ATI Systems (featuring Dr. Ray Bassiouni, second from right) Accepts the 2021 Platinum 'ASTORS' Award for the ATI Systems Mobile Solutions for Giant Voice, in addition to a 2020 'ASTORS' Extraordinary Leadership & Innovation Award at the 2021 'ASTORS' Awards Luncheon at ISC East.
Team ATI Systems (featuring Dr. Ray Bassiouni, second from right) Accepts the 2021 Platinum ‘ASTORS’ Award for the ATI Systems Mobile Solutions for Giant Voice, in addition to a 2020 ‘ASTORS’ Extraordinary Leadership & Innovation Award at the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Luncheon at ISC East.

The traditional security marketplace has long been covered by a host of publications putting forward the old-school basics to what is Today – a fast-changing security landscape.

American Security Today is uniquely focused on the broader Homeland Security & Public Safety marketplace with over 75,000 readers at the Federal, State, and local levels of government as well as firms allied to the government.

American Security Today brings forward a fresh compelling look and read with our customized digital publications that hold readers’ eyes throughout the story with cutting-edge editorial that provides solutions to their challenges.

AST puts forward the Largest and Most Qualified Circulation in Government with Over 75,000 readers on the Federal, State and Local levels.
AST puts forward the Largest and Most Qualified Circulation in Government with Over 75,000 readers on the Federal, State and Local levels.

AST Digital Publications are distributed to over 75,000 qualified government and homeland security professionals, in federal, state, local, and private security sectors.


AST Reaches both Private & Public Experts, essential to meeting these new challenges.

Today’s new generation of public safety and security experts need real-time knowledge to deal with domestic and international terrorism, lone wolf attacks, unprecedented urban violence, shifts in society, culture, and media bias – making it increasingly difficult for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Military and Private Security Professionals to implement coordinated security measures to ensure national security and improve public safety.

American Security Today

These experts are from Government at the federal, state, and local levels as well as from private firms allied to the government.

AST provides a full plate of topics in our AST Monthly Magazine Editions, AST Website, and AST Daily News Alerts, covering 23 Vital Sectors such as Access Control, Perimeter Protection, Video Surveillance/Analytics, Airport Security, Border Security, CBRNE Detection, Border Security, Ports, Cybersecurity, Networking Security, Encryption, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Campus Security, Security Services, Corporate Facilities, and Emergency Response among others.

AST has Expanded readership into integral Critical Infrastructure audiences such as Protection of Nuclear Facilities, Water Plants & Dams, Bridges & Tunnels, and other potential targets of terrorism.

Other areas of concern include Transportation Hubs, Public Assemblies, Government Facilities, Sporting & Concert Stadiums, our Nation’s Schools & Universities, and Commercial Business Destinations – all enticing targets due to the large number of persons and resources clustered together.

(See just a few highlights of American Security Today’s 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East. Courtesy of My Pristine Images and Vimeo.)

To learn more about ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award Winners solutions, please see the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS Edition Fully Interactive Magazine – the Best Products of 2021 ‘A Year in Review’.

The Annual CHAMPIONS edition includes a review of Annual ‘ASTORS’ Award Winning products and programs, highlighting key details on many of the winning firm’s products and services, including video interviews and more.

It serves as your Go-To Source throughout the year for The Best of 2021 Products and Services endorsed by American Security Today, and can satisfy your agency’s and/or organization’s most pressing Homeland Security and Public Safety needs.

From Physical Security (Access Control, Critical Infrastructure, Perimeter Protection, and Video Surveillance Cameras and Video Management Systems), to IT Security (Cybersecurity, Encryption, Data Storage, Anti-Malware, and Networking Security – Just to name a few), the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ CHAMPIONS EDITION has what you need to Detect, Delay, Respond to, and Mitigate today’s real-time threats in our constantly evolving security landscape.

It also includes featured guest editorial pieces from some of the security industry’s most respected leaders, and recognized firms in the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program.

  • For a complete list of 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Award Winners, begin HERE.

For more information on All Things American Security Today, as well as the 2021 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program, please contact Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at mmadsen@americansecuritytoday.com.

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