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Tips For Playing As The Basher In Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Tips For Playing As The Basher In Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed


When you think of ghosts, ‘finesse’ is not a word that comes to mind, and Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed knows it. Taking a form somewhat resembling that of Frankenstein’s Monster, the default Basher ghost called “Lunk” is all about force and destruction.

RELATED: Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed – Ghost Guide

The Basher trademark is that their hands are connected to their arm via a long chain or tether, allowing them to swing them around recklessly. The Basher ghost becomes playable once you get your player profile up to level 30, and there are some things you should know about this hulking ghost class which plays quite differently from the previous types.

Look For Portals

The Basher is all about brawn. As a result, it is among the slowest of all the Ghost types, even when dashing at top speed. Although they’re harder to catch, that doesn’t amount to much when they struggle to get away from a group of persistent Busters.


To compensate, you should take special note of all the floor, ceiling, and wall portals that allow you to travel through barriers into other rooms. This will become your main escape method when you’re playing as the Basher.

Lay Into Busters And Civilians

There are three varieties of Basher. While they may look different, each has the same strength and attack range. When scaring, the Basher swings its hands like flails in a sweeping motion in front of it. If used correctly, targets can be hit multiple times with one swing.

To make the most of this scare tactic, you should use it to continuously pummel Busters and Civilians. Not only will this make it harder for them to recover, but you’ll also gain more XP and raise the Haunting faster.

Use Your Skill To Gain Distance

While each Basher’s individual skill differs in execution and effect, they all offer the same thing: Range. This Ghost type needs to get right into the fray to do the most damage, but this won’t be useful if you’re trying to escape a tricky situation.

This is where the skill comes into play; it lets you create an opening to disengage from pursuing Busters. Whether slamming your fists in an AoE attack or flinging haunted objects from across the room, you should save these skills for when you’re being chased and need that extra space.

Keep Away From Open Traps

In addition to its slow movement speed, the Basher struggles with escaping. It’s harder to tether, but this only gives Busters more reason to travel in groups. They’ll be throwing traps all over the place to catch you.

The Basher is not the best at breaking out of traps. If you see an open trap, get away as quickly as possible. Even if you have the opportunity to close and grab it, it’s still risky.

Don’t Focus On Individuals

Since the Basher’s bread and butter is sweeping attacks, it performs much better in front of a crowd. It may be tempting to unload all your power onto every Civilian and Buster you come across, but it’s best reserved for groups.

Even though the Basher has a decent energy pool, its cooldown times and consumption work against it. Each swing of your fists and skill will take huge chunks of your energy. You don’t want to run low on energy facing one person only for a bunch more to show up.

NEXT: Games To Play If You Like Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed


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