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The Most Difficult Mini Boss Fights In Sekiro

The Most Difficult Mini Boss Fights In Sekiro


Sekiro was a big deal for FromSoftware, showing they had the ability to branch into something dramatically different after a decade of Souls games. In it, you play the role of Sekiro, a lone shinobi who has to decide whether to blindly follow his code or his heart.

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Of course, combat that requires expertise to succeed at is a hallmark of From at this point, and Sekiro is no different. Strewn throughout the world are mini-bosses. They can be a roadblock, but one that can usually be snuck around or even run away from. That said, they still offer up a major challenge even if they’re not full bosses.


8/8 Seven Ashina Spears – Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi

Based on the real-life Seven Spears of Shizugatake, the Seven Spears of Ashina serve a similar purpose, highly trained soldiers willing to lay down their lives in order to protect the independent land of Ashina. Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi is one of the first you’ll encounter, and he really set the stakes for the rest of them.

Encountered after returning to the Moon Tower at the beginning of the game, Yamauchi stands guard. Being the first of the Seven Spears you encounter, he can be quite difficult to read. His attacks have great range, but he can be just as ferocious at closing the gap too. The best tactic to start the fight is to make sure you sneak up behind him first to take away his first health bar.

7/8 Armored Warrior

Despite being a completely fictional area of Japan, the Sengoku period is very much a real period of history and Sekiro very much takes advantage of that. It’s a point where foreign European traders travelling to Japan were common, many of them importing guns. A prime example of these are Robert’s firecrackers that come from far away, per their description.

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Later in the game, you’ll encounter the Armored Warrior, the father of Robert whose firecrackers you’ve appropriated. Unlike most other enemies in the game, the Armored Warrior plays more like a Dark Souls enemy, and no amount of Deathblows can pierce their armor. Instead, you need some tactical placement and kicking the warrior off the bridge during a Deathblow to succeed.

6/8 O’Rin Of The Water

Late in the game, you’ll find yourself approaching Mibu Village on your way to gather the materials needed for Kuro’s ritual. Much of the game’s more… undying enemies appear here, and they require you to use different strategies. One of those is O’Rin of the Water, a rather terrifying enemy.

Located along the way to Mibu Village itself, O’Rin can be spoken to. She is clearly in a state of dismay, though no answer will satisfy her, leading to a battle no matter what. The way she moves is unlike anyone else, and trying to chase her down will just have her outpace you. Instead, it’s better to let her come to you, and use both Divine Confetti and Sabimaru to your advantage.

5/8 Juzou The Drunkard

Coming to Harata Estate for the first time is a disorienting experience. It’s a dark memory of the location, by all means, visited through a bell charm, of the night it was ransacked by bandits. There’s plenty of mystery to be uncovered here, but one of the major obstacles on your first encounter will be Juzou the Drunkard.

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One of the leaders of the attack on Hirata Estate, Juzou the Drunkard is a menacing foe. He has great command of the battlefield, able to keep you at a distance with his wide swings and poison attacks, and able to push you away with stomps. The best tactic is to apply burning to help whittle him away and just hold your ground without getting too greedy with breaking his stance.

4/8 Blazing Bull

Ashina Castle is a major area in Sekiro, a hub of sorts that branches off into every other area and continually evolves as the game progresses. Before you can reach the castle itself though, you have to go through the Blazing Bull. The bull, however, is a bit more unconventional than other soldiers.

When it comes to human enemies, there’s a standard on how to do battle. A dance of blades, keeping aggressive while breaking stance. For the Blazing Bull, you’re going direct for the health. They charge maniacally and can set you aflame with their burning horns. The best luck you’ll have here is by taking advantage of animals’ fears of firecrackers to stun them and chip away at their health.

3/8 Chained Ogre

As you go on your journey throughout Ashina, you’ll learn pretty quickly that plenty of dubious acts are going on here. Some are malicious in nature, others all in defence of Ashina’s independence. Some of these acts resulted in the Chained Ogres spread across the world, the first of which you’ll encounter in Ashina Outskirts.

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Hulking in stature and pulsating with muscles, these monsters are chained for a reason, though they can rather easily break free of their restraints. The Chained Ogres in particular are famed for their rather dodgy grab attacks, so it’s important to stay on your toes. Like all other red-eyed enemies, however, they are incredibly weak and fearful of fire, so that’s your best bet to take them down quickly.

2/8 Shichimen Warrior

The land of Ashina is one coated in blood and the souls of those dead who fought to retain its sovereignty lingering eternally. All may seem natural on the surface, but whispers across the land bring about the idea that these spirits have never found their rest. Hidden away throughout most of the game, the first of these demonic foes you can find is in the Abandoned Dungeon.

The Shichimen Warriors are apparitions, enemies that do not fear your blade or any other human means of death. Instead, the only real way of putting these enemies to rest is with the use of Divine Confetti and other tools forged with Lapis Lazuli. Each fight is a battle against time before your confetti runs out, though a major tactic to use on the Shichimen is the anti-air deathblow, finishing them off in moments.

1/8 Headless

Of the many restless souls residing in Ashina, some of the most terrifying are the Headless. Their name is fairly apt: they are a bloated, pale body covered in wounds but lacking a head. When first encountered in Ashina Outskirts in a hidden cave, the whole place is illuminated by their otherworldly purple glow, accompanied by fear-inducing music.

Like the Shichimen, the Headless are apparitions that will take next to no damage without Divine Confetti. However, what makes the Headless so much more terrifying is their versatility. They exude a mist that slows the area around you making it even harder to avoid their attacks. They can also turn invisible to perform a grab attack on you, and have significantly higher terror build-up, causing instant death. The most important thing in fighting them is to be aggressive, as keeping up the assault will remove their slowing mist.

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