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Letter of Introduction Examples and Writing Tips

Letter of Introduction Examples and Writing Tips


How to write a letter of introduction? What should I include in my letter of introduction? Can I get a job without a letter of introduction? This article will explain what letters of introduction are, explore some examples, and tips on how to write one.

What is a letter of introduction?

The letter of introduction is a formal document that introduces someone to another person or organization. It usually contains information about the writer and his/her qualifications.

A well-written letter of introduction can open doors for you. If you want to get a job, then you need to write a good letter of introduction. This is because employers look at letters of recommendation before hiring new employees. You may also be asked to submit a letter of introduction when applying for admission into graduate schools.

introduction letter recommendation letter

Letter of introduction speaks about you and your work in brief.

Proven Tips on How To Write Introduction Letters

Here are tips on writing a letter of introduction for yourself:

1) Write the letter in an informal tone. Your letter must not sound professional. Avoid using formal language like “Dear Sir.” Use simple words instead. For instance:

Hi! My name is… I am currently studying Business Management at university and looking forward to further my learning opportunities.

2) State why you think you would fit into the position. Don’t mention any specific work skills. If you don’t have enough skills to do the job you want to apply for, then focus on how much training you’ll require from the employer.

3 ) Explain how you can benefit the company if you are writing a letter of introduction for a job. Please include details about what the business does, which shows you truly understand its goals. Mention the type of projects or tasks that the company has been doing in the past.

4) Include sample documents as proof of experience. Submit samples of previous jobs. Show that you can produce quality works according to the requirements specified by the employer.

5) Include links to your LinkedIn profile and other social media accounts. This lets the potential employer know more about you. 

6) Make sure that all information is correct. Double-check for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. You can go through our editing service if needed.

7) Proofread your letter before handing it over to the employer. Read it out loud several times until it sounds natural and doesn’t misspell words or have grammar issues.

8) Give yourself time to write the letter. You better start working on it now if you want to hand over an effective one next week.

9) Keep it short but detailed. Avoid making the letter too long.

Letter of introduction Examples

Below we provide three different types of letters of introduction. The following example explains what each letter entails.

Letter of introduction example 1: An Introduction Letter From A Friend

Dear Mr. Smith,

I trust you’re having a great day today. I hope you don’t mind me intruding upon your free time with this request. As you might remember, we used to talk quite often when you were back home. We’ve become friends over the years. Of course, now you live far away, so it’s difficult to stay in touch. However, I’d still love to hear from you. So please leave me an email address (and phone number too), and I promise I won’t bother you again. Have a great day!

Best regards,

Your friend Sarah Jones

Letter of introduction example 2: An Official Introductory Letter From University Admissions Board

Dear Mrs. Johnson,

We regret to inform you that the results of your application to study abroad have arrived. Unfortunately, you didn’t make it into the top ten students who applied. Nonetheless, we wish you luck in your future studies.


Admissions Chair, University X

Letter of introduction example 3: An Official Introductory/Receiving Letter For New Employees

Dear Ms. Williams,

Greetings from Team Y! Since joining our organization, our team members have worked hard to meet the expectations of the customers, clients, and suppliers. They are all committed to growing the firm into the leading office supplies and equipment provider. We are delighted to see that you will soon be taking charge of sales and operations. Our goal is to build a strong foundation for the company’s growth.

Undoubtedly, your leadership abilities will play a key role in our success. Please feel free to contact me anytime for help, advice, or assistance.

With best wishes,

Team Y Head Office

Final Words

Your letter of introduction for yourself is important. This document helps an individual prove their knowledge level and skill set. It makes them stand out among other applicants. To help you write up a good letter of introduction, read the tips above.


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