Best Robin Outfits In Gotham Knights

Best Robin Outfits In Gotham Knights


Tim Drake, the character who dons the Robin mantle in Gotham Knights, is generally considered to be the smartest Robin of all time. He figured out Batman’s identity on his own, earned Bruce’s trust, and became a reliable Robin. He later grew out of Robin and took on names such as Red Robin and Drake.

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While he’s the smartest of the bunch, he’s not lacking in terms of field experience and physicality. Gotham Knights depicts a Tim who’s slightly on the younger side – opposed to his current depiction in the comics – but still true to his personality and identity. He has several cool-looking outfits, ranging from classic to outlandish. Luckily, none of them look bad at all. Some still manage to outshine others, though.


10/10 Knight Ops

The Knight Ops is a suit that is almost like ninja armor. That sounds great at first glance, as stealth and guile are the mainstays of any character who is part of the Batfamily. Unfortunately, this one is a bit lacking.

While the textures and armor pieces look good enough, the colors let down this suit. Having a paled-out greyish brown as its base color and some faded yellow accents, this suit feels like it has been left in the sunlight for too long. While it may be practical, this costume looks fine and nothing more.

9/10 Demon

The Demon outfits for all characters in Gotham Knights manage to be some of the cooler ones. This one, specifically for Robin, uses black, light grey, and red as its main colors. While not classic Robin colors, they go extremely well together. The costume itself, in terms of design and texture, is not too shabby either.

The one thing that keeps this costume from a greater height is that it feels more like something Damien Wayne would wear than Tim Drake. While that’s not a problem pre-se, Tim already gets forgotten quite a lot when compared to other Robins, and it is disappointing to have a spot on Tim’s wardrobe to make him lose some of that individuality.

8/10 Talon

The Talon set is a unique one to include in Gotham Knights. That is because the Talon look is that of one of the Batfamily’s enemies, the soldiers of the Court of Owls. That was a great storyline without question, and Gotham Knights utilizes the Illuminati-like society as well.

The talon look is iconic, with bright goggles, lean, practical clothes, and pointed ears. While that all translates beautifully into a costume for Robin, the colors just feel wrong. With a color scheme of blue and faded red, this almost feels like it would fit Nightwing better than Robin. Despite that, though, it’s a really cool costume to wander around Gotham in.

7/10 Neon Noir

Having one of the coolest names of any costume in this game, the Neon Noir is not a bad-looking piece at all. It utilizes a black and green jacket with a bright yellow top underneath.

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While the colors all look great, the mask lets Robin down with this costume. It is still a lovely look and a modern spin on what you could practically use as armor if you were a vigilante. Despite the funny look of the mask, this costume manages to be one of the better options.

6/10 Default

Many games, especially those with many countless unlockable skins, usually give you a lackluster default outfit. That is usually a strategy to incentivize playing the game more. Luckily, Gotham Knights did well to give us amazing default costumes for all characters.

For Robin, the default costume looks really similar to the Neon Noir outfit. Instead of a yellow top though, we have a red top inside the jacket, completing the iconic color scheme. The mask for this outfit is also closer to the classic look from the comic books, making this an awesome costume to begin the game with.

5/10 Year One

DC’s Year One is an interesting concept. The comics of the same name all focus on the first year of activity for any character, giving readers an opportunity to see the more flawed rookie times of iconic heroes.

This costume captures that vibe, despite not being comic-accurate. With a leather jacket and clothes that feel like you could get at a bike shop, this costume feels great for a new Robin. It does feel a bit more Damien than Tim still, which is a shame.

4/10 New Guard

Speaking of costumes that make Tim Drake feel like Damien Wayne, we have the New Guard costume. This feels like a quintessential Damien outfit, with grey and red patterns and a cape-like jacket on top.

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The colors, the texture, and the design of the costume are impeccable, though, giving Robin a badass outfit that almost feels casual. The mask is also quite nice, if a bit over the top. If you plan on going for an ‘edgier’ look for Robin while you play, New Guard is the way to go.

We’ve seen Batman wear outfits that span from ninja-like that offer barely any protection to those that border on an Iron-Man armor. While both work for the caped crusader, it feels weird when the agile, younger sidekicks of Batman don full body armor, especially with the bright colors they’re associated with.

Well, somehow, the Metal costume for Robin just works! Looking like one of Marvel’s Spider-Man costumes, this outfit strikes a great balance of characterization and badassery. The armor covers the whole body, with added green padding and a yellow cape to represent Tim. The colors are absolutely what makes this outfit work, though. With bright red, yellow, and red, the armor feels like an actual Robin, despite the metal texture.

2/10 Knightwatch

While seeing alternate costumes, armor, and references to specific storylines in video games is fun, going back to classics can also work. The Knightwatch costume is just that. The colors, textures, and design are straight out of the comic book pages, and it looks great in-game!

We see Robin in his classic tights, red sleeveless top, and green gloves. They even included the utility belt and the iconic logo on the left side of the chest. This is definitely not the most protective suit of the bunch with revealed arms and face, but it feels the most Robin as well.

1/10 Titan

As with many robins, Tim Drake also had a complicated relationship with Bruce Wayne. Eventually, he grows his own persona and dons the title Red Robin. This costume, while not a direct adaptation, takes cues from the Red Robin costume, as well as the classic Robin suit.

Striking a perfect balance of realistic armor and practical ninja getup, the Titan costume is the best of both worlds. That would not work if not for the iconic bright red, green, and yellow splashed on. A closed helmet akin to the Red Robin hood and a badass collar completes the look, making Robin look his absolute best.

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